Can I cancel my student loan requests?

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7+ Year Member
Jun 1, 2016
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So basically I do not feel comfortable asking the school I am currently accepted to this question because then it would make it seem like I didnt want to go there. But, school "A" has accepted me, but I am holding out for school "B" which I am on the waitlist for. Student loans requests have to be completed by school "A" in June. Lets say I file those loan requests and school "B" takes me off the waitlist after. Is it easy to to cancel the request or have it moved to school "B"?

Edit: And to add onto my question, can the same thing be done with the pre-matriculation packet? It is not binding is it?

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There is probably a standard process that is relatively straightforward for this. Funds never post into accounts till like 15-20 days after classes begin anyway and by that time no other school can offer you an acceptance anyway. Don’t sweat it man, you good.

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