Can you pursue a masters or PhD without a bachelors?

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2+ Year Member
Dec 22, 2020
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I was (luckily) admitted to vet school despite not having a bachelors degree. I do want to pursue residency but I’m not sure if I would qualify for residencies that are combined with a Masters/Phd program. I don’t know how common of a situation this is and was wondering if anyone had insight on this!

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I started vet school without a bachelors degree but my school had a program where they awarded us bachelors degrees in animal science (ansi was my undergrad major I completed three years of) after completing first year of vet school…does your school possibly have something similar?

Not the same but related…I didn’t take the GRE when I got into vet school many years ago (back when all vet schools required it, it was a long story but I wasn’t required to take it because I was part of an early acceptance program) and I had to “go back” and take the GRE when I was on clinics applying to residencies because a few programs required scores for admittance to their graduate college. I ended up doing a residency without graduate degrees though.
My undergrad program allowed me to finish my bachelors while being in first year ver school as I took summer classes and then they took some vet school classes ( I was an sci and journalism). Unfortunately I never finished my dual degree but they let me finish my an scie allowing me to get a PhD after vet school. Just putting it out there in case your undergrad would be willing to do this too?

I think most grad programs require a bachelors but some or all may take the higher degree(DVM) in lieu. I think you’d probably be ok while doing clinical grad programs but not sure about any basic science grad programs? Not sure- maybe reach out to your undergrad and vet school and see what they say?