Canadian pharmacists don't make $$$, eh?

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PharmD, BCGP
20+ Year Member
Jun 12, 2003
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It's official, at 1.1 dollars to the loonie, Canadian pharmacists are now making as much or more than their neighbors to the south.

Let the great northern economic migration begin!

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hmm how much do you canucks pay in taxes?
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how far have we fallen?
The real question is "how far will we fall?"

And since most people are oblivious to how ass the US reputation is internationally right now....we're wonderfully ignorant and happy. Yay.

The US' reputation overseas hasn't been stellar for a looooong's nothing new. And it has nothing to do with the current administration, or the one before, or the one before...
Yeah, even though the CAN dollar is worth more up here, I believe the rate (even after conversion) is still more in the US (based on what people quote around here). Even so, its still good money to use to go cross border shopping! :thumbup:
The real question is "how far will we fall?"

And since most people are oblivious to how ass the US reputation is internationally right now....we're wonderfully ignorant and happy. Yay.

tell me about it.... i look at the value of the canadian dollar and i think wow, that is a lot. I remember going to toronto one year and have our dollar be worth 1.50 CA. Now its reversing itself, and then looking at gas prices and how far they've come (1 gallon of gas = 1/2 hr at a minimum wage job).... and now all this talk about Iran and how bad that situation is getting.....

I wonder why these issues aren't being addressed and I wonder if many other people realize this or actually care. and i know that these aren't the only problems we face but dammit it is something i see every day.
the dollar has fallen so much that my travel plans have shifted from europe to asia over the next year
Average hourly wage of a pharmacist in Ontario in 2006 was $47/hour. That translates to 94k/year (40 hour week, 50 week year).
Average hourly wage of a pharmacist in Ontario in 2006 was $47/hour. That translates to 94k/year (40 hour week, 50 week year).

So make that $103,400 in "new lira" at the current exchange rate.
tell me about it.... i look at the value of the canadian dollar and i think wow, that is a lot. I remember going to toronto one year and have our dollar be worth 1.50 CA. Now its reversing itself, and then looking at gas prices and how far they've come (1 gallon of gas = 1/2 hr at a minimum wage job).... and now all this talk about Iran and how bad that situation is getting.....

I wonder why these issues aren't being addressed and I wonder if many other people realize this or actually care. and i know that these aren't the only problems we face but dammit it is something i see every day.

I have heard quotes that Iran and much of the middle east is counting on our apathy towards them and some of the politcal issues that may affect us, I think people just get too preoccupied with their own lives (myself included) to have time to think or care about some of these global issues that may affect us.