Canadian Taiwanese - taiwan residency, does it help to secure a US residency spot

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Mar 11, 2017
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To fellows:

I am a Canadian Taiwanese and had graduated from a Caribbean medical school in 2017l. All my clinical training are in US and Canada. I had passed usmle step1, step2 Ck & Cs (passed 2x), and step3. Unfortunately, my scores are not high enough so I only have 2 interviews this year. I am thinking a backup plan now. Does finishing the Taiwanese residency and apply future in USA residency helps to secure a residency spot? Thank you in advance!

PS: not considering to apply to Canada at all because it's a mission impossible - thinking to go back to Canada only when all options are not available then go back to become a RN.

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To fellows:

I am a Canadian Taiwanese and had graduated from a Caribbean medical school in 2017l. All my clinical training are in US and Canada. I had passed usmle step1, step2 Ck & Cs (passed 2x), and step3. Unfortunately, my scores are not high enough so I only have 2 interviews this year. I am thinking a backup plan now. Does finishing the Taiwanese residency and apply future in USA residency helps to secure a residency spot? Thank you in advance!

PS: not considering to apply to Canada at all because it's a mission impossible - thinking to go back to Canada only when all options are not available then go back to become a RN.

It won't help... it might hurt in fact. I feel bad for you but given that you come from the Caribbean and you scored poorly on your USMLEs, if you don't get into residency in the US I would probably consider other countries like Taiwan, permanently.