Career in research field for Medical Students

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Jun 13, 2017
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I am a student of medical perusing MBBS in Biotechnology.
I want to go in the research field and therefor preparing for the CSIR NET Exam in Biotechnology.
What are the career benefits after clearing CSIR NET Exam and Can I go out of India for my research work.
Which is the Indian best lab I can work after clearing my CSIR NET exam.

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Hello Twinkle,
CSIR NET is a national level exam held for the selection of the candidates for the post of assistant professor, to pursue the Ph.D. and for the junior fellowship award.
If you are interested in the research sector you may apply for the CSIR NET life science.
the candidates who have completed the post graduation degree from a recognized university can apply for the exam. and the age of the candidates must be below 28 years.
For the detailed information, you may visit the Eduncle blogs to know the CSIR NET Career Scope.
The candidates after qualifying the CSIR NET exam can take advantage of the following opportunity:
  • Become an assistant professor in university or colleges
  • get scholarship or fellowship.
  • Become an entrepreneur
  • Can apply for the PSU companies
  • Become a counselor
  • can work as an instructor or teaching professional
  • become a lab assistant
  • get a job in the medical field
The candidates after qualifying anyone of the above option. The only thing you need to do is qualify the NET exam and choose the best option in which you want to make a career.
All the best!!