CAS Grades of A+ and A conversion to GPA

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Jan 17, 2020
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Hi all,

I am in the process of entering my grades from my transcript onto my application. My transcript has all number grades so that's what I am entering. From the 80-89 range, a corresponding CAS Grade of A is being given, and from the 90-100 range, a CAS Grade of A+ is being given. My understanding was that A+ grades weren't given out, and if you were given an A+ on your transcript, it translates to an A on the grading scale (4.0), but I'm confused since the CAS grading system is making a distinction between A and A+. Are they both calculated as a 4.0 in gpa calculations, or is the A+ being calculated as 4.33?

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Hi all,

I am in the process of entering my grades from my transcript onto my application. My transcript has all number grades so that's what I am entering. From the 80-89 range, a corresponding CAS Grade of A is being given, and from the 90-100 range, a CAS Grade of A+ is being given. My understanding was that A+ grades weren't given out, and if you were given an A+ on your transcript, it translates to an A on the grading scale (4.0), but I'm confused since the CAS grading system is making a distinction between A and A+. Are they both calculated as a 4.0 in gpa calculations, or is the A+ being calculated as 4.33?
It’s calculated as a 4.0
