Case Western vs Loyola Stritch

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Dec 5, 2024
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I'm trying to decide between CWRU and Loyola Stritch med schools. CWRU has a much better reputation, the opportunity to learn at Cleveland Clinic, and a better match list for residency so I feel like I should go there. However I really want to be in a big city, so I could live downtown Chicago at Loyola, and I align much more with their focus on social justice/outreach. I wasn't thrilled about Case's team based curriculum either. Help me decide!!

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Stritch is located considerably south of the city. Many of the students who do decide to live in the city end up having to commute to school through chicago traffic which can get annoying. Also, yes, they focus on social justice and service, but theres opportunities for that at every med school. Id go case here
You can live in downtown Cleveland and bus to the Health Education Campus (no more than 20 minutes from Tower City) for what would likely be half the cost of a broom closet in downtown Chicago. (No, I haven't done the rent research, but I suspect it's true unless you want to live at The 9.)