CC Science Course to Boost BCPM GPA

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10+ Year Member
Jan 6, 2009
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Please don't flame me for this - I'm a pre-med student who has decided to delay applications for 1 year in efforts to increase the BCPM gpa. I'm thinking about taking a math or random biology (enviromental or marine bio), or chem elective ("chem and society") course at a local CC since I know that gets factored into the BCPM. Is this a good idea?

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Bad idea. They will be on you like a hooker on a wet whistle. Additionally, not all CC courses are easier than traditional universities. You don't want to get burned by what was supposed to be an easy "A."
Bad idea. They will be on you like a hooker on a wet whistle. Additionally, not all CC courses are easier than traditional universities. You don't want to get burned by what was supposed to be an easy "A."

Then what exactly should I do here?
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Then what exactly should I do here?

Take more sciences at your regular university unless money is a factor. Try taking some upper level science courses that will potentially help you later on...although marine biology is pretty cool IMO! :)
Go to business school instead...


Consider doing an SMP. Doing well in an SMP will make up for a low undergrad GPA, and some will guarantee admission into a med school upon successful completion.
Go to business school instead...


Consider doing an SMP. Doing well in an SMP will make up for a low undergrad GPA, and some will guarantee admission into a med school upon successful completion.

I agree. SMPs are a wonderful oportunity to prove oneself.