Dropping CC Course

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May 29, 2023
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Hello! I am currently an undergrad at a 4 year university and am taking a CC course over the summer ( not a premed pre req course but a math class I need for my degree). The class is condensed over five weeks and is extremely rigorous, I've had some family issues occur and I just don't think I have the time to dedicate to succeed in this course. If this is the only class I am taking at this CC and I drop it, do I have to report it on TMDSAS? My CC transcript wouldn't show anything except this course as I don't plan on taking any other courses. If I do have to submit this transcript, should I refrain from dropping the course? I saw on some SDN threads that dropping a class looks bad if you have a 4.0 because it looks like you're GPA protecting. If I do drop this course I will be taking the equivalent at my university in the spring semester. Any advice is appreciated.

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Hello! I am currently an undergrad at a 4 year university and am taking a CC course over the summer ( not a premed pre req course but a math class I need for my degree). The class is condensed over five weeks and is extremely rigorous, I've had some family issues occur and I just don't think I have the time to dedicate to succeed in this course. If this is the only class I am taking at this CC and I drop it, do I have to report it on TMDSAS? My CC transcript wouldn't show anything except this course as I don't plan on taking any other courses. If I do have to submit this transcript, should I refrain from dropping the course? I saw on some SDN threads that dropping a class looks bad if you have a 4.0 because it looks like you're GPA protecting. If I do drop this course I will be taking the equivalent at my university in the spring semester. Any advice is appreciated.
Are you past the drop/add date where it doesn't show up on your transcript at all? You have to submit all transcripts from schools, even if the only thing on the transcript is one class with a W. Additionally, you would have to report taking the course under college coursework with the W. Nobody will really care about 1 W, if asked just explain your circumstances as you did here.
Are you past the drop/add date where it doesn't show up on your transcript at all? You have to submit all transcripts from schools, even if the only thing on the transcript is one class with a W. Additionally, you would have to report taking the course under college coursework with the W. Nobody will really care about 1 W, if asked just explain your circumstances as you did here.
I spoke with the registrar and it will show up as a W on my transcript if I drop, so I will have to report it. I don't have any previous W's and hopefully this would be my only one.
I spoke with the registrar and it will show up as a W on my transcript if I drop, so I will have to report it. I don't have any previous W's and hopefully this would be my only one.
I wouldn't worry about 1 W. If you don't have the time, you don't have the time. Just take the W rather than a bad grade in the class because you don't have the requisite time and explain as such if it ever comes up, but I do not think that it would. Bigger fish to fry.
I wouldn't worry about 1 W. If you don't have the time, you don't have the time. Just take the W rather than a bad grade in the class because you don't have the requisite time and explain as such if it ever comes up, but I do not think that it would. Bigger fish to fry.
I appreciate your reply, thank you so much!