CCM without Pulm

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10+ Year Member
Jan 24, 2009
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Know there is limited fellowships out there that are CCM without pulm, but what do you think? Just want to hear perspectives.

1. Would I be lacking as a doc without the pulmonary training and just CCM, if I'm interested in serving in a mid-sized community hospital on the coast?
2. The anesthesiologist have their hands in this too, what effect?
3. Hate to say it, hours and salary? Wanna have kids....put if off, and will be putting it off till after tho I feel dirty, I want to have a life too...


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Know there is limited fellowships out there that are CCM without pulm, but what do you think? Just want to hear perspectives.

1. Would I be lacking as a doc without the pulmonary training and just CCM, if I'm interested in serving in a mid-sized community hospital on the coast?
2. The anesthesiologist have their hands in this too, what effect?
3. Hate to say it, hours and salary? Wanna have kids....put if off, and will be putting it off till after tho I feel dirty, I want to have a life too...


The gas people don't do much critical care work in community hospitals outside of CVICU and even barely then. It's still more lucrative for them to stay in the OR.

I don't think you'll be "lacking" doing critical care only because you'll be doing critical care only.

The practice set-up for most intensivists is shift type of work. If you get in with a group, you'll probably have a week of "days" plus a weekend, with overnight call shared by all members of the group. So fairly family friendly IMHO, but also expect to need to go in every once in awhile nights when on call. With the trend of having in-house intensivists moves forward, hospitals and groups may be looking to hire more people, but it also means more night shifts to fill, FYI.