cGPA vs sGPA

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Aug 24, 2018
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Is it bad that my sGPA is almost .2 higher than my cGPA?

For reference, my sGPA is a 3.71 and my cGPA is a 3.55.

However, I have strong upward trend from 3.4/3.6/4.0 in increasingly harder classes (ex: Orgo).

Does this look okay to adcoms?

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Both are still lowish overall but you are still within the lower limit of acceptable for some Mid tier MD schools and perfect for DO schools. If you knock out a 515+ MCAT and your ECs are satisfactory, the cGPA may not necessarily matter as much at many schools.
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Average sgpa for matriculates is 3.7. It’s fine but do well on the MCAT. The difference won’t matter
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That Science GPA will be helpful in your admissions process. Keep up the good work and maintain your trend. Make sure that your MCAT matches your more recent efforts.

Ultimately, you have 2 quantitative numbers in this process. As long as you put forth a very strong MCAT performance you'll be in the game for consideration. Now just to worry about all the other importance aspects of the application...

Atlas Admissions
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