Chances and Help with School List? 3.86/518/Research heavy

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New Member
Jul 8, 2024
Reaction score
Stats: 3.86 cGPA, 3.83 sGPA, 518 MCAT

Demographics: CA, ORM, South Asian

Undergrad: T30 California school

-1500 hours as EMT, combined between IFT and 911, mainly 911 (paid)
-800 hours as clinic volunteer at free, low income, Spanish speaking ophthalmology clinic
-500 hours as hospital volunteer
-400 hours of summer internship at prestigious pediatric hospital. Learned about technology and advancements in medicine as well as gaining extensive shadowing.

-200 hours split between inpatient, outpatient, and operating room settings through summer internship at prestigious pediatric hospital
Pediatric Surgery - 40 hours
Cardiac Anesthesiology - 40 hours
Interventional Cardiology - 20 hours
Pediatrics/Hospitalist - 40 hours
Allergy & Immunology - 20 hours
Hematology - 20 hours
Oncology - 20 hours

-2000 hours of clinical urology research at the School of Medicine (probably my highlight). I have 8 publications, 3 as first author and 5 as second author (not counting abstracts, just fully published papers). I also have 8 poster presentations, 4 at international conferences and 4 at national conferences (4 school-wide research symposiums as well but not counting because overlap and doesn't really matter)
-1600 hours of translational ophthalmology research. I have 1 second author publication in a very high impact journal.

-800 hours as health educator at low income elementary schools. Volunteer through School of Medicine program alongside med students and pediatric residents. Taught children about the risks of obesity and common health issues and the importance of physical activities and healthy lifestyles.
-400 hours as volunteer coordinator and board member for same program listed above. My role here was to train volunteers, create lesson plans, and coordinate volunteering opportunities across SoCal
-200 hours as tutor for organic chemistry

School list: very wide array, a little top heavy but I am research heavy so might as well just try.
Mayo Clinic
University of Chicago Pritzker (ties to it)
USC Keck
University of Pittsburgh
UNC Chapel Hill
Boston University
Case Western
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine (absolute dream)
Mount Sinai
Ohio State University
University of Colorado
University of Miami
University of Arizona
Stony Brook
George Washington University
Albert Einstein
Sidney Kimmel
Virginia Tech

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Welcome to the forums.

My first impression is that I hope CCLCM notices you and gives you a shot, too. That research profile grabs my attention, and I hope you can show your ability to thrive in their unique curriculum, which emphasizes more independent-driven learning. I'm not sure if you need more primary care exposure, and I'm not sure your strong lean towards research could make Rush and UIC shy away from you. I'll let others put in their recommendations, but I wanted to note what I saw. I'm guessing you aren't interested in MSTP/MD-PhD tracks.
Welcome to the forums.

My first impression is that I hope CCLCM notices you and gives you a shot, too. That research profile grabs my attention, and I hope you can show your ability to thrive in their unique curriculum, which emphasizes more independent-driven learning. I'm not sure if you need more primary care exposure, and I'm not sure your strong lean towards research could make Rush and UIC shy away from you. I'll let others put in their recommendations, but I wanted to note what I saw. I'm guessing you aren't interested in MSTP/MD-PhD tracks.
Thanks for the response! And you're correct I do not want to pursue an MD-PhD track. Do you think that there any schools I should add?
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Thanks for the response! And you're correct I do not want to pursue an MD-PhD track. Do you think that there any schools I should add?
Add? No. I recommend keeping your list under 30. Others will recommend based on your stats. I go for purpose and mission fit since that rules adcoms decisions.

To that end, how do you want research to shape your med school training? Your experience trends towards the ROAD specialities it appears.
Add? No. I recommend keeping your list under 30. Others will recommend based on your stats. I go for purpose and mission fit since that rules adcoms decisions.

To that end, how do you want research to shape your med school training? Your experience trends towards the ROAD specialities it appears.
In terms of research I personally view it as a way to deepen my understanding of medicine that physicians practice and enhance patient care. I think its why I leaned towards clinical research and not doing an MD/PhD, because learning relevant and current things about the field I am working in would make me such a more knowledgable provider. I think that's something that does align with CCLCM pretty well so hoping for the best!
And wow you are spot on I really am very interested in the ROAD specialties! Thanks for all the input
Suggest dropping the state schools that are not OOS friendly. Add UMass, which is OOS friendly and has lots of research funding.