Changing MCAT date? ***HELP***

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Feb 2, 2008
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How much of a disadvantage am I at, if I change my MCAT from June 17th to July 29th? ..... I would rather get an extra month and change then take it earlier because my practice tests have been fluctuating so much.

My application will be ready to submit June 1st, including letter of recommendations...... the only thing missing is my MCAT score.

What should I do???

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.... my other option is to hold off a year and apply next year
How much of a disadvantage am I at, if I change my MCAT from June 17th to July 29th? ..... I would rather get an extra month and change then take it earlier because my practice tests have been fluctuating so much.

My application will be ready to submit June 1st, including letter of recommendations...... the only thing missing is my MCAT score.

What should I do???

Here's the issue with the later test - you obviously won't be complete at schools until late August then. That is pretty late in the cycle. Its not impossible to get interviews and an acceptance, but you need to have a stellar application. Also, school choices is important.

Practice tests can be hard to guage. I believe my fluctuated within a 5 point range. Then I actually scored right in the middle of that range on the real test. If this happened to you, could you live w/ the score? What if you scored your lowest practice test score?


1) Take it in June and apply. If you don't like the score, take in again in July.

2) Take in July. Be ready for an uphill battle w/ schools. You may not get as many interviews compared to if you had taken it earlier.

In the end, it only takes one acceptance. Good luck!
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I went through the same thought process, I ended up switching mine from june 17th to july 16th. I thought it was worth being confident about my score. As yours would be a little later, you would be in the last pool of applicants, and would get considered less, but if you think you can do that much better at that it would make schools notice you, then go for it.
So how did it work out for you?
O i was talking about my thought process, I am finishing my apps right now, so I can study until July16th and then start working on secondaries. The end of july is late, but if your confident that you'l increase by a significant amount then i think it's worth it