cheap flights/hotels and student discounts?

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10+ Year Member
Jan 1, 2010
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Does anyone know any travel websites/agencies where perhaps you can get a student discount or really cheap tickets?

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this doesn't really answer your question but...

one way to save cash is to always check if there are shuttle services at the airport. they're usually much cheaper than taking a cab. also contacting the school themselves on transportation options help. can have flights that are cheaper than buying from other travel sites. you just need a .edu email address to register.
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you can try "" just saw their commercial and looks pretty legit lol. can have flights that are cheaper than buying from other travel sites. you just need a .edu email address to register.
I always found studentuniverse more expensive (or the exact same price) than going to the actual airline website. they also are more expensive than southwest... if southwest flies there.

Cheap rides = 1. Southwest 2. Megabus
Cheap places = 1. Hostels (watch out for bed bugs!) 2. Student host 3. Contact local co-op OR if you were greek, local greek house to see if they have open rooms 4. (if you aren't scared of people -- also only go to a person that has been reviewed IMO)

edit: Kinda got distracted and forgot the question. I never use agencies... find them more expensive. Better to do your research on your own
Southwest airlines ftw

Buy directly from their website at least two weeks in advance and you'll get a special discount