Child psych text

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Apr 9, 2007
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I am starting a child psych elective as an MS IV and was wondering if there are any texts or pocket books that are highly recommended.

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I am largely unlearned in the field of child psychology, so I think that this basic reference on psych sources might get you what you want. There are a few references at the Some more links:

* More developmental psychology
* You might want to ask the people over at The American Psychological Association's developmental psychology division.
* Psychology metasites and megasites
* Internet resources in psychology
* Society for Research in Child Development
* Child mental health resources
* Child psychiatry online

Hope this helps.

- Bryan
Thanks so much kanzure. This information is very helpful.
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I am starting a child psych elective as an MS IV and was wondering if there are any texts or pocket books that are highly recommended.

If you're looking for more psychiatry, rather than psychology-related resources, check out:

If you're looking at child/adolescent as a potential fellowship in psychiatry, you can get much more pharm and relevant info from more traditional psychiatry texts:
Doc Samson,

Many congratulations to all three of you. Parenthood is a wonderfully enjoyable experience (never mind my signature:)) Wishing you many sleeping-through nights! ;)

It's been fun so far... haven't been this tired since internship, but I think the unpredictable schedule of med school/residency has actually bene pretty helpful in adapting to the massive sleep deprivation of parenthood.
It's been fun so far... haven't been this tired since internship, but I think the unpredictable schedule of med school/residency has actually bene pretty helpful in adapting to the massive sleep deprivation of parenthood.

I did it in the opposite order, and found the skills transferred as well--like being able to wake from a sound sleep and make an instantaneous decision about the state of someone's health. Not much call in the hospital for the skill of catching vomit with one's bare hands, though... :barf:
I did it in the opposite order, and found the skills transferred as well--like being able to wake from a sound sleep and make an instantaneous decision about the state of someone's health. Not much call in the hospital for the skill of catching vomit with one's bare hands, though... :barf:

I'm sure the custodian staff would appreciate the helping hand, at least until the second reaction of


*shakes hands*

<---not a parent, maybe that secondary reflex will change when I have kids.

Not much call in the hospital for the skill of catching vomit with one's bare hands, though... :barf:

My kids are all prone to motion sickness so I've become exceptional at identifying that "I'm about to barf" look and quickly locating an appropriate catching receptacle. It came in very handy on C/L and in the ER when I could find the garbage can/basin/bed pan and avoid that sickening sound of vomit hitting the floor.

Congrats Doc Samson! I wish you and your wife a quick transition to 6 hour night naps!
