Choose your School Tool Affecting Top Choice School

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Dec 5, 2019
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I was extended an offer recently by Wayne State University. However, I am still on the waitlist at my top choice school, Indiana University ( In-State). I do not want to be left empty-handed by passing up a chance to go to medical school. However, I am also scared that by making a selection on the choose your school tool, I will disqualify myself as a candidate for Indiana University. Does Any body know if schools look at this when deciding who to extend an offer to off the waitlist?

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I was extended an offer recently by Wayne State University. However, I am still on the waitlist at my top choice school, Indiana University ( In-State). I do not want to be left empty-handed by passing up a chance to go to medical school. However, I am also scared that by making a selection on the choose your school tool, I will disqualify myself as a candidate for Indiana University. Does Any body know if schools look at this when deciding who to extend an offer to off the waitlist?
Even if we did, there is no way to know how it might influence a decision at any particular school.
It would likely have little effect on the decision at the preferred/WL school. Whereas, the failure to PTE at the current option will have a profound effect on your outcome at that school.
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Even if we did, there is no way to know how it might influence a decision at any particular school.
It would likely have little effect on the decision at the preferred/WL school. Whereas, the failure to PTE at the current option will have a profound effect on your outcome at that school.
This^^^^^. Basically, you really have no choice, whatever the answer is. Nobody except the adcom at Indiana would know whether their seeing you PTE somewhere else (they won't know where) will influence your likelihood to be called off their WL, but, even if it did, would you give up the bird in hand for an increased chance to be called off a WL without a guarantee? Most people wouldn't.

Congratulations -- you are going to med school!!! If the stars align, you might be going to Indiana, but you are definitely going, which is a lot more than a lot of other people can say right now.
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I was extended an offer recently by Wayne State University. However, I am still on the waitlist at my top choice school, Indiana University ( In-State). I do not want to be left empty-handed by passing up a chance to go to medical school. However, I am also scared that by making a selection on the choose your school tool, I will disqualify myself as a candidate for Indiana University. Does Any body know if schools look at this when deciding who to extend an offer to off the waitlist?
I would PTE then send a short email to Indiana telling them that they're your top choice even though you had to PTE at another school.
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The only rational option is to PTE at Wayne, let Indiana know that they are your first choice, and make regular sacrifices to the ad com gods (I recommend spicy stews with eye of newt and wing of bat).
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