Civilian trying to follow Army BF to residency

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Feb 25, 2007
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Here's the situation: my boyfriend (army HSPS) and I are both MS3s, and it feels like applying to residency is just around the corner. I am a civilian, and we are not married if that is relevant. I know his match will be before mine, so I can try to tailor my match list to where he will be, but does anybody have advice or experience in the possibility of us matching to even the same state? He is going to do IM, and I am interested in ObGyn. He has excellent board scores, mine are average. He has to do his residency at an army facility, which is pretty limiting for me already because there are often not many civilian residencies in the same area, and I guess I just worry that my averageness is going to be the thing that separates us. Any advice?

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I don't know all of the locations of Army IM residency programs off hand, but there are definitely some in major metropolitan areas. The D.C. area probably offers most number of colocated civilian OB/GYN residencies, but Madigan (Seattle is nearby) and Brooke (San Antonio) likely have at least one civilian residency as well. You may even want to check to see if MCG has an OB/GYN program in Augusta, GA, since Eisenhower is there.

If you and your boyfriend are able to pick a top location soon, then you can probably arrange an audition rotation to increase your chances of matching. You may also get a boost by telling your #1 choice that your boyfriend has already matched at a nearby military program.

Make no mistake, the Army will not care one iota about your situation, but it sounds like your boyfriend may get his top choice regardless. The civilian programs to which you apply may be more sympathetic, especially if they see it as a relatively sure way of getting an applicant they want, but they are certainly under no obligation to lend you any extra consideration.
Here is the Army IM location list:
Internal Medicine (50) Washington, DC 2 or 3 San Antonio, TX 2 or 3 Tacoma, WA 2 or 3 Honolulu, HI 2 or 3
Augusta, GA
2 or 3 El Paso, TX 2 or 3

That should help you figure out where to be looking to apply.
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Thanks both of you for the advice!
I know a few military-civilian doctor couples in San Antonio with one at BAMC and the other at UTSA. They have told me without exception that UTSA is extremely familiar with the situation and was very understanding and accomodating of the civilain applicant during interviews when the situation was made known.

Other than that, DC is the best options as far as numbers are concerned. There are a number of academic and community hospitals in the DC/Baltimore area (though the competetiveness of some of them may limit possibilities).

If you care more about being with your boyfriend than your desires regarding a specific residency program, I would say you will almost assuredly be able to match together, otherwise, all bets are off...
Like already mentioned, Walter Reed in DC would offer you the best opportunities. There are half a dozen or so OB/GYN programs you could apply in the DC/Baltimore area. Brooke Army in San Antonio is another option. The UT program in San Antonio is okay. There may be a program in Austin (50 miles away). There are also other programs in TX within a 200 mile radius. The Army hospitals in Hawaii, El Paso TX, or Georgia would offer you the least opportunity to be together. I am not sure about the one in Washington state.