Class Rank Importance?

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May 28, 2023
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Today, my dean told me that class rank is more important than Step 2/Level 2 scores for matching into residency. From what I've read on here it seems that the score would be more important. But perhaps he was saying this because of how class rank will reflect in his MSPE letter. Does anyone have any insight into this? Is class rank really that important for matching into residency or will my step 2/level 2 score be way more important even if my dean writes poorly about me based on my class rank in his letter?

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Today, my dean told me that class rank is more important than Step 2/Level 2 scores for matching into residency. From what I've read on here it seems that the score would be more important. But perhaps he was saying this because of how class rank will reflect in his MSPE letter. Does anyone have any insight into this? Is class rank really that important for matching into residency or will my step 2/level 2 score be way more important even if my dean writes poorly about me based on my class rank in his letter?
You’re dean is wrong. No surprise a med school dean thinks their letter is the most important thing in the world.

High class rank and low board scores makes me suspicious of cheating or just very poor retention.

Conversely, high boards and very low class rank implies you’re talented but lazy.

Outside of the above discordant scenarios, most won’t care about class rank. Fortunately, the two are usually correlated.
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You’re dean is wrong. No surprise a med school dean thinks their letter is the most important thing in the world.

High class rank and low board scores makes me suspicious of cheating or just very poor retention.

Conversely, high boards and very low class rank implies you’re talented but lazy.

Outside of the above discordant scenarios, most won’t care about class rank. Fortunately, the two are usually correlated.
So if someone has like a 3rd quartile rank with a 270 step would they probably do ok in the match for FM or IM?
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So if someone has like a 3rd quartile rank with a 270 step would they probably do ok in the match for FM or IM?
Lol yeah. 270 is good for most specialties. No one in those fields would care until you start getting into competitive academic IM programs.

2nd and 3rd quartile just means “somewhere in the middle.” Ideally, you’d be in the top half because that’s a little discordant, but not really important.

For the absolute most competitive specialties like derm, yes stupid stuff like this matters because at that level everything matters because everyone applying is amazing and you have to split the hairs somehow.

But im in rads, a moderately competitive specialty, and I promise that score and rank with no red flags otherwise would do well.
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PD surveys note 65% of PD's list class rank as 4out of 5 in importance. The more competitive a specialty or program is, the more important class rank will factor in the programs decision to interview. For the specialties you mention, the majority won't consider class rank as a key factor, meaning it can only help you, but not really hurt you. Step 2 will be a more important factor.
Hopefully not a deal breaker. My school changed from quartiles to quintiles this year because “it’s better for the students” and I was right at the top of the 5th quintile 🤡
Hopefully not a deal breaker. My school changed from quartiles to quintiles this year because “it’s better for the students” and I was right at the top of the 5th quintile 🤡
I doubt it it will be a deal breaker. Many community FM and IM programs are very hands on. A family member did a community FM program and delivered babies along with managing ICU patients as they were the only residents at this large community hospital. It provided a very broad clinical experience which helps them with their rural FM practice. Because of the very challenging workload, many applicants get scared off. It all depends on what you want.
Today, my dean told me that class rank is more important than Step 2/Level 2 scores for matching into residency. From what I've read on here it seems that the score would be more important. But perhaps he was saying this because of how class rank will reflect in his MSPE letter. Does anyone have any insight into this? Is class rank really that important for matching into residency or will my step 2/level 2 score be way more important even if my dean writes poorly about me based on my class rank in his letter?

I have only had my class rank mentioned once, and it was during a grant application review. That's it.
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Although there is variance from year to year and exam to exam, a board score carries more weight because you're being tested on a national exam and compared against all of your peers across the country. Class rank is just comparing you to your peers within your institution with grade inflation, curving, remediation, and who knows what else going on.
What about pre-clinical ranking in particular? My school ranks for pre-clinical and then also ranks for clinical separately.
Today, my dean told me that class rank is more important than Step 2/Level 2 scores for matching into residency. From what I've read on here it seems that the score would be more important. But perhaps he was saying this because of how class rank will reflect in his MSPE letter. Does anyone have any insight into this? Is class rank really that important for matching into residency or will my step 2/level 2 score be way more important even if my dean writes poorly about me based on my class rank in his letter?
Oh, man! Show your Dean this:
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Today, my dean told me that class rank is more important than Step 2/Level 2 scores for matching into residency. From what I've read on here it seems that the score would be more important. But perhaps he was saying this because of how class rank will reflect in his MSPE letter. Does anyone have any insight into this? Is class rank really that important for matching into residency or will my step 2/level 2 score be way more important even if my dean writes poorly about me based on my class rank in his letter?
Your dean is wrong.
My class rank is near the bottom of my class and I got an interview at UF in their first wave alongside their home students. It's not that big of a deal
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if you want a competitive specialty or program then it’s important youre not at the bottom of the class. Your goal should be to be 50th percentile as a minimum with higher class rank only helping you out more.
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