Clinical Research Coordinator Salary??

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Dec 19, 2016
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I am applying to clinical research coordinator jobs and negotiating salaries. I have no idea what to ask for, so would a few of you who work in clinical research post grad give me some direction? I dont want to ask for something absurd or too low.. I am not sure what the usual range is.

Sorry if this is a weird question, I just want to answer it accurately.

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Hey! I make a little under 40k in a not so expensive city as a clinical research coordinator. Some of my coworkers with much more experience make 65k+, but for a new job, I think 40k is standard in my area.
About $40-50k plus benefits. I’m on the lower end of the range since I’m still entry, but I get about 30 paid days off a year
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I'm in a large city where the supply of new graduates is never-ending, so salaries tend to be a bit lower. I started at 32k and am now at 40k after a year, however that's for 35-hour weeks. I generally work 40-hours, so I make a bit more than that. Benefits are pretty great though, so I'm not too displeased with my salary. I would ask for 40k!
I agree, ask for 40k if you're just starting out. If you have any previous clinical research experience you might be able to get a little more. I was a clinical research assistant before I became a CRC so I was able to start in the upper 40s.
It depends on where you are and what your experiences are. Fresh out of college with 0 real-world clinical research experience, you can typically expect to make <$40k. Get a year under your belt and look elsewhere and you can make north of $70k.
It depends on where you are and what your experiences are. Fresh out of college with 0 real-world clinical research experience, you can typically expect to make <$40k. Get a year under your belt and look elsewhere and you can make north of $70k.

What CRC jobs pay north of $70k after only one year's experience? Normally it takes years to work up to that. I think at a minimum you would need to be licensed and have a nursing degree or other certification to make that kind of income with such little job experience.

Seriously though, where are these jobs? I want to apply lol
It depends on where you are and what your experiences are. Fresh out of college with 0 real-world clinical research experience, you can typically expect to make <$40k. Get a year under your belt and look elsewhere and you can make north of $70k.
Agree on the ~$40k your first year, strongly disagree on $70k after 1 year. I don't know what job gives you a 75% raise after 1 year - if there is such a job, it sure as hell isn't clinical research.
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Agree on the ~$40k your first year, strongly disagree on $70k after 1 year. I don't know what job gives you a 75% raise after 1 year - if there is such a job, it sure as hell isn't clinical research.

I worked as a CRC at a pharma CRO running phase I and II studies making $15 an hour. After 10 months there, I found a CRC position at a medical center that loved my clinical background in college and started me at $70k salary.

You just have to know where to look. CRO's running phase I pharma studies won't pay $70k, but a medical center running phase III and IV studies in acute, life-threatening illnesses where you're on-call will pay that.

Perhaps saying "north" of $70k is the higher end of the bell curve, but certainly a year's experience (depending on where that year was worked) and the right location warrants $60k+