Have attending anesthesiologists or anesthesia residents had experiences with this "collaborative" anesthesia practice? I saw on Reddit a few months ago someone posted that Sound Anesthesia took over a facility in Columbus, GA and was promoting "CRNA residents" practice at the "full scope" of their nursing licenses, that AAs need not apply per the post. The Reddit post stated that GA is not an "Opt-Out" state. So I guess the anesthesiologists who take these jobs in non-Opt-Out states must be the liability sponges with no real input into the anesthetic care. I have been offered jobs where CRNAs do all the blocks, CRNAs that proceed with full anesthesia care without the anesthesiologists present for anything. I have always declined these jobs because they sound horrible even if the pay is decent or the location is OK. I would not be able to stomach these types of "collaborative" practices on a permanent basis, seems like a waste of our medical education and training.
If it's a collaborative environment where it's an opt-out state, that's fine, the CRNAs take full liability but if it's a state with no opt-out and the CRNAs are independent (CRNAs doing blocks, CRNAs not notifying you at any point in the anesthetic care or with any intraoperative issues) that is of concern for me. Not my cup of tea
If it's a collaborative environment where it's an opt-out state, that's fine, the CRNAs take full liability but if it's a state with no opt-out and the CRNAs are independent (CRNAs doing blocks, CRNAs not notifying you at any point in the anesthetic care or with any intraoperative issues) that is of concern for me. Not my cup of tea