College decisions based on volunteering opp.


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10+ Year Member
Apr 15, 2010
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So I have my mind set for one of two colleges.

College A is in a really rural place with no hospital (Just a tiny student doctor center with 1 doctor, and it apparently sucks and misdiagnoses everyone)

College B is in a huge college town and has it's own medical school with many great doctors to shadow

I love both college equally. College A would give me an easier courseload and a smaller amount of debt. College B has the name, the fame, and the great resources.

I'm sort of confused, any advice?

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Well obviously if you want the opportunity to volunteer/shadow (or anything that requires a large medical facility) while in college you need to be in a town large enough to support a hospital. If you are going to base your decision off of volunteering then I would go with College B. Also, at least in my mind, going to a smaller school it would seem like it would be harder to compete with other medical school applicants that went to larger schools (more chances to do research and other work).

I go to a large school so maybe I do not really understand what the smaller schools have to offer in comparison. But I think that you need to find a larger school that will be able to offer you extra-curricular activities and also give you enough personal attention.

But if it is just between those two I would pick College B.
Need more info. For example, how big exactly is this "smaller debt" we're talking about?

It's generally better to go to a school with more visible volunteer opportunities, however some schools in rural places still have a strong volunteering network.
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Thisjatti. IndianJATT. hahaha

I would go with B. Volunteering is vital for Med school apps.
College B. Unless if money is a big concern then opt for college a.
So there is nowhere to volunteer or shadow anywhere near college A?
College A is really rural, like there's no hospital or anything. There's a small town, but most of the people go into the university for medical care (it's a one-room doctor-patient thing that barely provides accurate care). It's not ideal, plus there's only 1 doctor, and I'm pretty sure a bunch of kids are clammering to "shadow" him.

And haha, yes desis!