columbia waitlist

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15+ Year Member
Mar 1, 2004
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just wanted to see if anybody has gotten off columbia's waitlist yet?

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fromparis said:
just wanted to see if anybody has gotten off columbia's waitlist yet?

I believe 3 people have been taken off so far. But I wouldn't expect more movement till mid to late May.
I talked to Dr. Frantz last week and only one "special circumstance" person had been taken then.
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patzan said:
I talked to Dr. Frantz last week and only one "special circumstance" person had been taken then.

well, i met two of them during it's at least 2.
patzan said:
I talked to Dr. Frantz last week and only one "special circumstance" person had been taken then.

what's a special circumstance?
"special circumstances" (read: ready, willing, and fully equipped with knee pads)
Benjo said:
"special circumstances" (read: ready, willing, and fully equipped with knee pads)

hahahaha seriously...