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It seems from the email that was just sent that the NBOME is working at breakneck speed to set up the C3DO.

Do you think they really will be taking away the advance attestation from the c/o 2025?
Didn't it specifically say that it was extended to class of 2025?
Yeah but the email added at the end that the C3DO may be ready as soon as “class of 2024” and then pilot period is happening this spring 2023. I think spring 2024 is definitely a possibility for the class of 2025 tho.

Idk but I can envision a situation where they rescind the attestation and we become the first class to have to take this rushed piece of garbage and it’s hard to really anticipate what they’d be doing too.
“We listened to everyone: patients and patient safety advocates, students and residents, educators including deans, residency program directors and faculty, and those in the licensure, accreditation and medical regulation community,” said NBOME President and CEO John R. Gimpel, DO, MEd. “What we heard was that each of those constituents believe that assessing fundamental osteopathic clinical skills is essential for our patients.
When I see quotes like this from Gimpel, I begin to wonder if he thinks we’re all just total buffoons. Are we really supposed to believe that all these major players in the medical community think it’s “essential” that DO students get extra standardized clinical assessments that aren’t required for MD students? The inclusion of “patient safety advocates” is clearly meant to make it sound downright dangerous to let a DO loose without NBOME-approved OMM certification. This is laughable, especially given the fact that <10% of practicing DOs regularly use OMM.

I highly doubt that the NBOME conducted a large, unbiased, anonymous survey to gather experts’ actual opinions on this matter. DO bureaucrats only listen to the cling-clanging of money in their pockets, and that’s become more and more clear to everyone over the past few years.

Abolish the NBOME.
When I see quotes like this from Gimpel, I begin to wonder if he thinks we’re all just total buffoons.
He does.
Are we really supposed to believe that all these major players in the medical community think it’s “essential” that DO students get extra standardized clinical assessments that aren’t required for MD students?
Do NOT underestimate the delusional thinking of the True Believers, especially with the "we're special " mindset.
Abolish the NBOME.
Your generation CAN do this!!!
Did a quick google search and found the attached 2016 article.

"Studdert’s team also found that male doctors were more likely to be sued than their female counterparts — as were more experienced physicians, and those with osteopathic medicine degrees (as opposed to MDs)."

I wonder if training, OMM, riskier/sicker patients, more patients load than the norm, places where they practice (rural) account for this.


The idea that we need to take a COM proctored NBOME facilitated PE exam shows the fantasy world that the NBOME lives in. As if we will have not been rotating for a year, as if we have not been doing OSCEs regularly, as if we will not be rotating at MD/Community programs doing Sub Is and electives. It shows the detachment to reality Gimpel and the NBOME have.

If the advanced attestation is rescinded students will flip.

Like I've said before, our generation can abolish the NBOME and modernize licensing for DOs.