Competition in post bacc @ Upenn

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UPenns classes and competition with regular undergrads ... how is it? Also ... for those of you in the program ... how did you fare with it? Classes are during the day and at night I understand?

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mshheaddoc said:
UPenns classes and competition with regular undergrads ... how is it? Also ... for those of you in the program ... how did you fare with it? Classes are during the day and at night I understand?

As I understand it (and I have researched the subject pretty thoroughly), UPenn's postbacc program takes place through the College of General Studies, which is a separate entity from the day student programs, and focuses on teaching nontraditional adult students in the Philly area. So while it is possible to earn a biology bachelors entirely through CGS, you are not going to be competing against 18 and 19 year olds with 1600 SATs; they are enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences. Not that there aren't many bright students, both postbacc and otherwise, in the CGS classes, but they are most definitely not "regular" UPenn classes. Hope that helps! And heck, hopefully I will see you at UPenn next fall, it is one of a few places I am considering myself!
interesting ...
well wait ... do you know if you go full time - do you know if you get the use of all facilities and health insurance like full time students? I'm so lost on this process at UPenn, they don't spell it out well.
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mshheaddoc said:
interesting ...
well wait ... do you know if you go full time - do you know if you get the use of all facilities and health insurance like full time students? I'm so lost on this process at UPenn, they don't spell it out well.

Yes on both counts. If you are a full time CGS student, you are automatically assessed recreation and student health fees. Part-timers can elect for health insurance, gym usage, etc. You are more of a "real" Penn student than at Harvard Extension, from what I gather. Of course, HES is about half the price.

See pages 3 and 9 of the CGS policies:

Oh, and just to clarify what I said above. You can _technically_ take day classes as a CGS student, but only on a limited (petition req'd) basis, and you must pay about 3 times more in tuition.
Quentin Quinn said:
Yes on both counts. If you are a full time CGS student, you are automatically assessed recreation and student health fees. Part-timers can elect for health insurance, gym usage, etc. You are more of a "real" Penn student than at Harvard Extension, from what I gather. Of course, HES is about half the price.

See pages 3 and 9 of the CGS policies:

Oh, and just to clarify what I said above. You can _technically_ take day classes as a CGS student, but only on a limited (petition req'd) basis, and you must pay about 3 times more in tuition.

You have done your homework ... I have found the info about paying fees which is what my concern was. I just talked to someone else and I wasnt sure and started to get nervous if what my readings stated were correct (wording can be tricky!). I did notice the 3 x's more in tuition, but I can just take classes during the day at rutgers if I want to do that :) Which is why I want to do the Penn program since its at night ... I'm happy with doing the Penn program if I can have cheap health insurance (that reg undergrads get), can use the library and get a gym membership there! :) That is all I need!!
msh, the health insurance at penn is anything but cheap. i think last year i dropped something like $2K for insurance and it will go up this year (i am a student rep on the insurance committee). but it is a great plan...
japhy said:
msh, the health insurance at penn is anything but cheap. i think last year i dropped something like $2K for insurance and it will go up this year (i am a student rep on the insurance committee). but it is a great plan...
well i should say its not cheap $2K but better than the insurance at rutgers!
Oh, and just to clarify what I said above. You can _technically_ take day classes as a CGS student, but only on a limited (petition req'd) basis, and you must pay about 3 times more in tuition.[/QUOTE]

I am not sure about the post bac program, but for the degree programs offered by CGS day classes are offered at the same rate as their evening classes - as far as tuition is concerned; but, you must take them within CGS. Students have the option of taking required courses, or courses that are not taught within CGS in the other schools of the University - such as the College of Arts and Sciences. These are the courses where the tuition is 3x the normal CGS tuition per course. In these courses you will be in the same classes as the normal UPenn students.

However, from what I hear from students and advisors at UPenn alot of the courses taught within CGS are by UPenn professors from the other colleges within the school. They follow the same outline, books, tests, and rigor as they would in the other schools within the University. So, other than maybe a slight advantage in regards to a curve, if there is one, the courses should be just as rigorous as any across the university. After all, the degree offered to CGS students is the same degree offered to traditional day students and even issued by the college of Arts and Sciences.
Do you guys know if any basic sciences are offered thru CGS in the evenings during the summer? I've heard that their summer school is daytime only.
Roman said:
Do you guys know if any basic sciences are offered thru CGS in the evenings during the summer? I've heard that their summer school is daytime only.
nope, nothing at night, only during the day :( Rutgers camden does have summer classes during day too but cheaper than their day time classes.
mshheaddoc said:
nope, nothing at night, only during the day :( Rutgers camden does have summer classes during day too but cheaper than their day time classes.


I currently go to Rowan and they too have summer classes only during the day. Any advice on finding a school in the Philly area that offers night classes in the summer?

Sorry for off-top.
Roman said:
Do you guys know if any basic sciences are offered thru CGS in the evenings during the summer? I've heard that their summer school is daytime only.

Basic sciences are offered in the am during the summer session I and II (I believe they run 5-6weeks). Upper level sciences are offered at nights in the 12 week summer session. To check out the CGS course offerings for the summer, go to Click on course guide, there should be a listing which includes summer session 2005. I am currently taking classes in the CGS and there are very few undergrads in the class. Infact in the physiology class, the professor asked all undergrads to show that they had permission to take the class.