Consulting ADCOMS? How?

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10+ Year Member
Jan 1, 2010
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I'm going to be a reapplicant (most likely next cycle, not this upcoming one) and wanted to know how people went about consulting ADCOMs.

I met with Dr. Heinrich of UMDNJ fame last week. I really enjoyed getting feedback from the horses' mouth. He said his committee is tough and probably would not take me, but I may have a chance at other medical schools. To my surprise, he recommended me not to retake the MCAT, although I still intend to.

I liked getting his feedback and have taken it to heart, but I would like to speak with other ADCOMs since Heinrich does not represent all other schools. In my opinion, one school like Harvard may not like you while another school like (Insert easy med school here - I don't know any) would find you perfect.

So, I'm wondering how people meet with ADCOMs? Do you just email them? Talk to them over the phone? Or meet them in person? What kind of things do you ask them? Do you give them a copy of your AMCAS?


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First I would suggest you delete this post since you've posted some stuff that makes you sound a little arrogant and kind of like you are "downing" this particular med school.

I think feedback can be by phone, in person or by email. Yes, I think if in person then bringing in a copy of your AMCAS application would be helpful. Remember, they have a LOT of applicants so to expect them to remember your particular application may not be realistic, particularly if the school gets several thousand applications.
Lol - first step in asking for feedback is being humble and acknowledging that you understand the committee's decision but do not want to give up and would like to improve your application. Good wording and attitude can go a long way in this game - trust me. It is really hit or miss whether a school will give you feedback. I have found that schools with a large applicant pool are less likely to give you feedback. Your state schools are the most likely to give you feedback, especially if they know that you are a state resident. My method of choice was to e-mail just about every school. The responses range from: "our average GPA is xx.x and average MCAT is xx. If your GPA and MCAT are below these numbers, we recommend either retaking the MCAT or enrolling in an SMP" a more detailed response which may even invite you to call them and speak to a dean of admissions or office of admissions representative. Have a positive attitude, be willing to accept all criticism and be grateful for it. Also ask them whether they think you should re-apply if you improve on the things they tell you. Try to get as much information as possible from them without pissing them off.

Oh - also, there are no easy med schools to get into. They all just look for their particular type of student.