contacted by email by PD

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7+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Today, I received an email from a PD from a program I interviewed at in November and then re-visited in January. During the re-visit, I was told by a few (other than the PD) that the faculty liked me Also, the PD fully obeyed match rules and just said I would be ranked favourably. I told him (the PD) that I liked the program etc.

Today, I received the email from the PD himself, stating I was a "prime candidate" and ended it off with "I look forward to hearing from you soon".

What am I supposed to say? Any ideas? I've already told him that I liked the program, and sent thank you letters post-interview. It's all in the hands of the match at this point.

Any ideas?



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If the program is your first choice, then it is not a match violation for you to tell a program how you will be ranking them; the only violation is for you to ask them or them to directly ask you how you'll be ranking them.

If they aren't your first choice, you haven't made up your mind or are uncomfortable telling them your thoughts, simply say something non-commital about how much you enjoyed your visits there, how favorably you were impressed and that you will certainly give them serious consideration when it comes time to make your rank order list, thanking them for their interest.

If you didn't like the program, then the above still applies, just be less effusive about your comments, limiting them to some vague generalizations and good things about the program; again thanking them for their time and interest in you.
Ask yourself, if you are ranking this program #1, e mail the PD and tell him/her that you are also ranking them #1. If not, e mail the PD and tell him/her that you will rank them highly. GOOD LUCK
I really haven't decided on any sort of order for my rank list, so my semi-non-committal reply to all those that I will rank was that "I can see myself there next year."