Cornell match results?

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Apr 16, 2008
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Hi. Can anyone please give me the link to Cornell Weill's match results?

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Match results are misleading, don't waste your time. If you're a good student, you'll get a good residency.
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Here is the one from 2007. Hope it helps.:)


  • Cornell Matchlist 07.pdf
    39.8 KB · Views: 164
Great, thank you so much.

Also, if anyone else knows of any other years in addition to 2007, I would really like to see them. Thanks!
Match results are misleading, don't waste your time. If you're a good student, you'll get a good residency.

This is extremely good advice that you need to listen to. Unless you are using this for some sort of statistics project, you are looking at Cornell for the wrong reason.
Eh. OP might just be trying to figure out if Cornell has an environment that favors surgery/primary care/internal medicine/etc. Some schools create environments in which certain choices may be more acceptable than others, and a lot of this is subconscious. That contributed to my choosing one school over another.