well their program director Dr august is a nationally renowned leader in nephrology and within the asn . Being at a top academic tertiary care center they see the full range of nephrology including all forms of RRT , do their own plasmapheresis , have a high kidney biopsy and transplant biopsy rate , transplant nephrology , and onconephrology (at Sloan Kettering ). Chronic HD does not seem to be the majority of what they see like what is seen at the lower tier renal fellowship programs
They offer additional third year training in transplant , onconephrology , research year (to be a top academician) and last graduates have gone on to do hypertension fellowships .
You can’t go wrong getting a world lass nephrology education there .
It’s IMG heavy (see their website ) but all nephrology programs and IMG heavy . If you’re an AMG you should still gun for Columbia . Not that amg > img persay (let’s not open that can of worms )