Cost and other questions..please help

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Hey everyone,

I am new to considering the carribean to getting my MD. I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to post estimated costs of getting a degree in the carribean for all the big I correct in assuming that it is going to cost 200K+??

Also, what seems to be the top carribbean medical school? Which ones are approved by CA? Thanks for all your help.

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Sorry to be so ignorant, but I am new to this process.
If carribbean medical do cost it easy to get a loan for this much money? My parents will not be able to finance an education like this one.
Thanks for all the info.
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mizzoudude said:
Sorry to be so ignorant, but I am new to this process.
If carribbean medical do cost it easy to get a loan for this much money? My parents will not be able to finance an education like this one.
Thanks for all the info.

Search this forum. Also check out And yes loans will cover it. We did it with 4 children and now have 5 and live totally on loans.
Yes, it is expensive to attend a caribbean medical school. Some schools are more expensive than others, and the net effect of your investment can be debated from now until kingdom come. I will be attending SGU (the most expensive medical school in the caribbean)in August, and have taken out extensive loans, both federal and private. Money is an issue. If your loans will be in your name and you don't have at least a 650 credit score, don't waste your time. Banks want to know that they will get their money back eventually.

I'm VERY excited about attending SGU, and still overwhelmed at the prospect of being a physician. The reality that I'll be in medical school in a little over a month sometimes brings a tear to my eyes. When I said yes to St. George's, I knew I was going to a school with a tradition for turning out top notch physicians in every field of medicine.