count down for Sep. 16 MCAT? Why not?

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Oct 10, 2007
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Hi guys, I'm a new person here. I took the test on Sept. 16, and don't really know what the score gonna be.
Anyway, I haven't seen any count down thread for Sept.16 yet, so I think we should have one. Is there anyone took the MCAT on Sept. 16 like me? I feel so nervous about the score right now, especially when I've seen a lot of people got amazing scores on Sept. 7 & 8.

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Count me in...I'm waiting anxiously.
I agree that the people in the 10/10 release seem to be getting really good scores. I hope that we can continue the trend! Good luck Monday :thumbup:
How do you guys think you did? How did you feel after walking out of the exam?

Count me in, I'm waiting as well!
With the exception of one passage on the PS section and 1/2 of an orgo passage on BS, I felt like I did very well.

Verbal is always my highest score (go figure? :confused:) followed by WS, BS, and PS. I felt like I did:

PS: 10
V: 13
BS: 12


*prays to God for this score or higher*

However, anything 30+ is good enough for me. :D I'm not your typical "Oh, goodness...I got a 38 with only a 3.8 GPA...what're my chances...should I this score good" SDNer. :rolleyes:
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Feel not good about the test. It was the first time I took the test, and got one lesson from it: do it as fast as I can. When I did the practice tests at home, I always finished like 10 or even 20 minutes earlier. So when I got into the real test, I did it too slow to make sure everything is right and ended up rushing for the last paragraphs. :( I guess I have to retake it :scared:.
ahhh i dread that what is currently happening to the 9/7 and 9/8 kids is going to be happening to us. just reading that thread gives me a headache!
Come on people, there has to be more than just the 5 or 6 of us that took the exam......lets get this thread going!
hey guys, im waiting on scores from 9/16 as well. what is the expected release date? i checked aamc website, and it doesn't mention the score release date for the 9/16 test date perhaps because it was a late addition...

on another note, am i the only one waiting on these scores and applying for fall 2008? i feel that i may be doing myself a huge disservice by applying this late in the game, but im 25yo and i don't want to wait an entire year. what do you guys think? mind you, many of the schools to which im applying have later deadlines (nov 15 etc.)...
The release date is Mon. Oct. 15th. I am also applying for Fall '08. Earlier is, of course, always better. But a good candidate more than likely going to get in somewhere provided that they don't submit everything the day of the deadline. SDN is not a fair representation of the real world (everybody here makes 30+ scores and applies in June while saving orphans in their free time:rolleyes:). Most of the people that I know submitted their AMCAS in early September.

Have you already submitted your AMCAS? The verification process takes a long time. You should already be working on your secondaries so the turn around time is less than a week for ya. Good luck! :luck:
no i havent submitted my primaries. i am waiting to see what my scores look like... i was doing high 27-29 on aamc practice exams rite before i took the actual exam, so i want to be certain that i receive a decent score before i commit to applying. plus i will not have the money to submit the application until friday, october 19th :(. my number 1 choice has a deadline of Nov 15 for amcas, so hopefully I will be okay.
Lots of people have to wait until they've saved up enough $ to submit primaries or secondaries so there's a bit of an economic disadvantage to this process, but you'll be okay! :)

I hope you get in to your first choice. :D
I should mention that I took the May 31 exam, and I was incredibly sick. I actually left 2 of the verbal passages entirely blank and only answered 65-70% of the bio and physics questions. I'm slightly embarrassed to even report the score I got - i should have voided my score, but clearly wasn't thinking. Anyways, I took the Sept. 16 exam and it went much better (although some of the orgo questions really caused me grief). I'm hoping for:

VR: 10
PS: 13
BS: 11
Writing: honestly, who cares (I somehow pulled an S on the May 31 exam).

What will medical schools think if my score improves more than 10 (will they disregard the first exam?)

Lots of people have to wait until they've saved up enough $ to submit primaries or secondaries so there's a bit of an economic disadvantage to this process, but you'll be okay! :)

I hope you get in to your first choice. :D

thanks!!! I sure hope so too!
We have approximately 29 hours of ignorant bliss left. :scared:

Postive thoughts, people. :love: Positive thoughts. :hardy:
Yes, yes positive thoughts everyone. I can't wait for tomorrow!!! It's going to be a great day!
Positive thoughts......if I do great, I'll get into medical school and save a life......if I don't get in, I'll kill someone :laugh:

One could argue either way that the world would be a better place. :laugh:
i usually have crazy dreams, but last night i dreamt that i got a 56Q and i couldn't figure out what that meant? then i looked at the name with the score and it was my roommate's LSAT score (which doesn't make much sense either)...

19 hours of anticipation left. ;)

My mom said I score high and have nothing to worry about so I feel better. :laugh:

Any delays on the part of AAMC will result in these series of events --> :( + :mad: = +pissed+

I'm still optimistic!

*prepares celebratory whiskey sours*

Who wants one tomorrow? :hardy:
from the 9-11 thread:

Okay, so I called them and it went like this...

Me: Are you guys expecting any delays for releasing the MCAT scores today?

Him: Not that we know of

Me: So five o'clock today?

Him: Yes

Me: Thank you.
I took the Sept 8th exam (did not do well) and I felt it when I left so I quickly signed up and took Sept 16th. I really really really hope I did better on this one. Ahhhhh I am scared. I will probably have to take it in April again (I am betting 80% retake 20% not). Oh well, I can dream.
Thats good to know that they are not expecting any delays, but I am still cautious in trusting the 5:00 release. When I took it in August, the release was a day late. I have high hopes for today. Good luck to all!
FYI: my score is up.
i don't know why i even bothered to log into THx, but i did...and it was quite a shock to see my score posted right away, so just a word of warning!