couples match in pathology

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Nov 19, 2008
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Hello! I am new to this board and would like to find out if there are any residents or current applicants familiar with couples match to path?
My husband and I are both applying to path next year and would like to find out if anyone has comments or suggestions for us. I heard that couples match can either work for you or against you. How does it work in the field of pathology? It seems that many people have gone through couples match in internal medicine, but I haven't seen any posts about this on the path forum. We both have good publication record and are thinking of applying to 10-15 research track programs. Any comments or suggestions greatly appreciated!:)

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I have only heard of a few couples in pathology match- but if you can both hold a conversation and you said you have pubs, possibly US grads? if so you will be in good shape- getting residency will be easy.

Jobs after residency together might be tougher but certainly if you sell it right you can pull it off- I would stick to big places with fellowships that way you will not have to go through this again in 4 years-

Good luck- I am part of a two physician team and it has been a balancing act everytime we go to the next step but it has all worked out....
Hello! I am new to this board and would like to find out if there are any residents or current applicants familiar with couples match to path?
My husband and I are both applying to path next year and would like to find out if anyone has comments or suggestions for us. I heard that couples match can either work for you or against you. How does it work in the field of pathology? It seems that many people have gone through couples match in internal medicine, but I haven't seen any posts about this on the path forum. We both have good publication record and are thinking of applying to 10-15 research track programs. Any comments or suggestions greatly appreciated!:)

i've seen a situation where the chick was applying to path at a BIGNAME east coast institution and the hubby/dude (a relatively poorer applicant) was applying to medicine, and given that the path folks reaeeleeeely wanted the girl, they made a phone call to the med dept to "influence" their decision. Don't believe me? Believe it, this **** happens.

Reason being a few years later, when the chair of med makes a similar call to path, believe you me that a similar situation will scratch my back and i'll scratch yours.
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i've seen a situation where the chick was applying to path at a BIGNAME west coast institution and the hubby/dude (a relatively poorer applicant) was applying to medicine, and given that the path folks reaeeleeeely wanted the girl, they made a phone call to the med dept to "influence" their decision. Don't believe me? Believe it, this **** happens.

Reason being a few years later, when the chair of med makes a similar call to path, believe you me that a similar situation will occur.

It's a different scenario when both applicants are trying to get into the same specialty. I suspect some programs would look at your application with a more critical eye. But it happens, I'm sure. If both are strong candidates, it may not be an issue.
thank you for your comments and encouragement!

It indeed has been a balancing act at every step for us already. We'll have to wait and see how things goes next year:).
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