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May 2, 2017
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Grades have been pretty much posted and I have recieved a C in gen chem 1 . For the spring semester I signed up for anatomy and physiology , gen chem 2 and bio 1 . My question is "Am I setting myself up for failure?" I just want dental school to see that I can take a heavy course load.

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Take what you can as long as you know you can do well in those courses. IMO getting As with a lighter courseload is way better than getting mediocre grades with a heavier courseload.

Yes, I certainly agree. I think you will thank yourself later on. I personally would much rather have a lighter course load, spend an extra semester or two in undergrad, and come out with a higher GPA, than rush it and have a heavier course load, and poor stats. Also, anatomy is a very intense course wherever you take it. I have yet to meet someone who said it was an easy course. So definitely keep that in mind. Chemistry of course is a debatable subject. Some people can take most chemistry courses and receive an A effortlessly, while others struggle. Either way, best of luck to you!