CPJE August 2018

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Haven't seen an august post.

Anyone taken CPJE on August already? Any tips? Thanks!

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Taking mine on the 27th. Took the NAPLEX 2 weeks ago and passed that. But I have been using Wisseman book, Rxprep and purchased a quiz bank from PharmacyExam site. The PharmacyExam site bank seems to be helpful, it has questions that consist of law and clinical material. I have been going thru the Rxprep book...typing up notes that seem relevant such as counseling points, lab parameters, etc..
Taking mine on the 27th. Took the NAPLEX 2 weeks ago and passed that. But I have been using Wisseman book, Rxprep and purchased a quiz bank from PharmacyExam site. The PharmacyExam site bank seems to be helpful, it has questions that consist of law and clinical material. I have been going thru the Rxprep book...typing up notes that seem relevant such as counseling points, lab parameters, etc..
If you had to choose between wisseman and RXprep bank, which did you find more helpful?
Hello, I just took the NAPLEX today (and not feeling so great about it :( )

I'm taking my CPJE in a week, thinking of delaying it to 2 weeks... I didn't feel that what I studied from RxPrep was as helpful. I have the RxPrep CPJE, Weissman, RxPrep.

I did find a CPJE quizlet with over 1200 drugs, I think it's quite a lot but probably safe for CPJE.
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Hello, I just took the NAPLEX today (and not feeling so great about it :( )

I'm taking my CPJE in a week, thinking of delaying it to 2 weeks... I didn't feel that what I studied from RxPrep was as helpful. I have the RxPrep CPJE, Weissman, RxPrep.

I did find a CPJE quizlet with over 1200 drugs, I think it's quite a lot but probably safe for CPJE.
LOL I felt the same way when i took the NAPLEX but i ended up passing. I would share my Quizlet bank that i made but unfortunately it got reported. I have over 1300 brand/generics in there. I have more than a 1000 memorized so will see how useful it is on Monday when i take the CPJE
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LOL I felt the same way when i took the NAPLEX but i ended up passing. I would share my Quizlet bank that i made but unfortunately it got reported. I have over 1300 brand/generics in there. I have more than a 1000 memorized so will see how useful it is on Monday when i take the CPJE

How did the test go for you? Any tips? Im taking mine this friday
To be honest that exam is wayyyy over exaggerated. If you attended a good college of pharmacy in the USA--you should have no problems. I felt that exam was 85% common sense.. it was easy to eliminate 2 or 3 answers right off the top. I took that exam with the biggest smile on my face from start to end lol. I was literally at the bottom of my class during pharmacy school but I have a ton of retail pharmacy experience and common sense. As I studied I focused on brand/generics and class... and did an overview of the main points of each topic. People who are studying and focusing on specific chapters are failing the exam because there is a chance they may NOT ask you anything on those chapters you specifically focused on. It is best to study broadly and reviewing all the disease states. The law was easy as well.. I used the Wisseman and Rxprep and also went thru the law book the board provides. I wanted to ensure i knew the law portion very well not just for the exam but for practice. As i recall i only had 1 or 2 difficult law questions that were not covered in Wiseman nor Rxprep. Otherwise, the exam is very fair and is more than possible to pass. I believe individuals are reading all these blogs, FB posts and what not..psyching themselves out. They go into the exam failing mentally and end up really failing the exam as well
To be honest that exam is wayyyy over exaggerated. If you attended a good college of pharmacy in the USA--you should have no problems. I felt that exam was 85% common sense.. it was easy to eliminate 2 or 3 answers right off the top. I took that exam with the biggest smile on my face from start to end lol. I was literally at the bottom of my class during pharmacy school but I have a ton of retail pharmacy experience and common sense. As I studied I focused on brand/generics and class... and did an overview of the main points of each topic. People who are studying and focusing on specific chapters are failing the exam because there is a chance they may NOT ask you anything on those chapters you specifically focused on. It is best to study broadly and reviewing all the disease states. The law was easy as well.. I used the Wisseman and Rxprep and also went thru the law book the board provides. I wanted to ensure i knew the law portion very well not just for the exam but for practice. As i recall i only had 1 or 2 difficult law questions that were not covered in Wiseman nor Rxprep. Otherwise, the exam is very fair and is more than possible to pass. I believe individuals are reading all these blogs, FB posts and what not..psyching themselves out. They go into the exam failing mentally and end up really failing the exam as well

I would totally agree with you vitaminabe (I felt the same way after exam), except that few weeks later I found out that I failed :wtf:
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I have been fooled before but we will see. From the 30 questions i remembered i only missed 3 so far... Praying for the best but expecting the worst.
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I have been fooled before but we will see. From the 30 questions i remembered i only missed 3 so far... Praying for the best but expecting the worst.
Good luck!! I wish you all the best! I’m sure that you did well.
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