Interviewing Creighton University Class of 2029 Interview/Acceptance Thread

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D2 Minnesota
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2+ Year Member
Jun 24, 2022
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Link to last year's thread: Creighton University Class of 2028 Interview/Acceptance Thread

Link to interview prep: Creighton University School of Dentistry Interview Feedback
----> Be sure to give feedback on your interview to help future applicants! :)

Link to school website: Creighton University School of Dentistry

Class of 2024 (ADEA Guide) General Stats:
Overall GPA: 3.62
Science GPA: 3.49
DAT: 19.6AA, 19.2TS, 20.2PAT
Applied: 1,989
OOS: 1,838 Applied, N/A Interviewed, 222 Accepted
IS: 47 Applied, N/A Interviewed, 16 Accepted
International: 104 Applied, N/A Interviewed, 6 Accepted
# Enrolled: 115
OOS Students Enrolled:
AK‑1, AZ‑1, CA‑9, FL‑3, GA‑1,
HI‑2, IA‑3, ID‑8, IL‑7, IN‑3, KS‑7,
MI‑1, MN‑7, MO‑1, ND‑15, NM‑2,
NY‑4, OK‑3, OR‑1, PA‑1, SD‑7,
TX‑3, UT‑4, WA‑1, WI‑6, WY‑1,
China‑1, Iran‑1, Kuwait‑2
Class of 2026 (ADEA Guide) General Stats:
Overall GPA: 3.62
Science GPA: 3.58
DAT: 19.9AA, 19.4TS, 20.6PAT
Applied: 2,003
OOS: 1,825 Applied, 220 Accepted
IS: 60 Applied, 23 Accepted
International: 118 Applied, 4 Accepted
# Enrolled: 114
5th-95th Percentiles
Science: 3.19-3.98
Overall: 3.10-3.98
OOS Students Enrolled:
AK-1, AZ-2, CA-3, CO-5,
GA-1, HI-3, ID-8, IL-4, IN-1,
IA-4, KS-4, MA-1, MI-1, MN-10,
MO-4, MT-3, NV-1, NJ-1, NM-2,
NY-1, ND-12, OH-1, OK-1, OR-1,
SD-5, TN-1, TX-1, UT-3, VA-1, WA-1,
WV-2, WI-3, WY-5, Kuwait-2, Mexico-1

Good luck everyone!

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Has anyone received the Creighton supplemental yet? It is supposed to be available today I believe.
EDIT: Never mind, the app needs to be verified first.
has anyone gotten an interview from creighton yet?
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has anyone gotten an interview from creighton yet?
Doesn't seem like they're sending interview invites yet. This page and the consolidated interview tracker does tend to get updated within a day or two of interview invites being sent. Last year, Creighton didn't send out initial interview invites until September 5th, so it still might be a few weeks.
Doesn't seem like they're sending interview invites yet. This page and the consolidated interview tracker does tend to get updated within a day or two of interview invites being sent. Last year, Creighton didn't send out initial interview invites until September 5th, so it still might be a few weeks.
has anyone gotten an interview from creighton yet?
We're pretty on top of things. If there was an invite, usually me or artist2022 would know about it. Creighton has shifted their admissions stuff recently due to the recent passing of their admissions director when I applied. So seems like everything has gotten pushed back by a month or two as they are still trying to figure everything out. Rest assured everything is okay!
Interview # 3
Notification date: 8/20/24
Method of notification: email
Residency: OOS (Minnesota)
AADSAS mail-out date: 6/17/24
Application complete date: 7/28/24
GPA (science, overall): 3.5 sGPA, 3.7 cGPA
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 23/22/23/22/no
Method of interview: virtual (in person tour required)
Interview # 3
Notification date: 8/20/24
Method of notification: email
Residency: OOS (Minnesota)
AADSAS mail-out date: 6/17/24
Application complete date: 7/28/24
GPA (science, overall): 3.5 sGPA, 3.7 cGPA
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 23/22/23/22/no
Method of interview: virtual (in person tour required)
when is the earliest virtual interview options (the date)?