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Mynor Lopez

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10+ Year Member
Nov 11, 2011
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hello, Do I still have a chance to get into medical school I have gotten several C's at the moment. would that affect my acceptance into medical school. currently have a GPA of 2.8. :-(

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Unless you are URM and have a great MCAT, the answer is no. Is all hope lost? No. You need to do some heavy GPA repair. Utilize the DO grade replacement and retake courses you have C's in to bring your GPA up. If you pull your GPA up to >=3.3 and score 28+ on MCAT then you would be competative for DO programs.
So by retaking the Classes, you mean that Medical school are not going to turn me down. do Withdrawals affect my chances?
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Not with that GPA. Re-taking those classes with a higher grade helps you for DO schools. Even if you're a URM, I think most schools would be doing you a disservice by accepting you. Medical school is HARD!

hello, Do I still have a chance to get into medical school I have gotten several C's at the moment. would that affect my acceptance into medical school. currently have a GPA of 2.8. :-(
Unless you are URM and have a great MCAT, the answer is no. Is all hope lost? No. You need to do some heavy GPA repair. Utilize the DO grade replacement and retake courses you have C's in to bring your GPA up. If you pull your GPA up to >=3.3 and score 28+ on MCAT then you would be competative for DO programs.

Not true, even if you're a URM that 2.8 won't work out even if you're MCAT is high.