Curious about PAT scoring vs booster

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CaptainRyanYT Gaming

Full Member
May 1, 2024
Reaction score
For example, on a practice test for PAT i got a 69 and it gave me a 21 the other one i got a 64 and it gave me a 20. When looking at the 2009 scoring chart it said a 69 was a 20. Can scores really differ that much, can I have like a new ballpark estimate on what it takes to get a 20. I feel like im not answering enough questions right to get a 20, but booster is saying I am on there test. I know each test is different, but it can't be wildly different scoring charts i would assume

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it depends on which ones you got right and wrong. some questions are harder and are "weighted" more based on other test takers' ability to answer them. just do your best. sounds like you are doing fine.