Current & Former DMU Students - What do I need to start?

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7+ Year Member
Sep 7, 2016
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I know that DMU gives you a computer but I want to make sure that I don't go buying anything else duplicate they normally give the matriculating class (i.e. stethoscope, etc). Any advice on what to get to help me transition easiest?/just advice for the school in general? Thanks!

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You don't need to buy anything yet. You will have many opportunities to buy stuffs they require, including stethoscope.

To make transition easy, I would say move there a couple of weeks before they start and set up everything (eg, internet, utilities, etc.). Otherwise, relax, travel, or do things you enjoy until then.

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They give you a laptop, yes, but if you would like to use it for note taking and studying, you may need ancillary stuff. I took notes on my iPad so one of those if that is your style. I also have about 40 binders that I ended up never using. You will also need scrubs and a white coat for anatomy lab, but they sell used white coats for cheap if I remember correctly.