Hi all, is there a chat, discord, forum, subreddit or similar where all the Mohs fellows communicate? Just looking to share thoughts with fellow fellows. thanks!
there's a facebook group titled mohs surgery fellowship group
i know it's a private group so you'll have to be added by one of the moderators (you can ask previous fellows, your PD, your co workers, etc to get in touch with anyone within the group and they'll get you added once they verify your fellowship program
i don't know if they require you to complete your fellowship first before they add you
there's a facebook group titled mohs surgery fellowship group
i know it's a private group so you'll have to be added by one of the moderators (you can ask previous fellows, your PD, your co workers, etc to get in touch with anyone within the group and they'll get you added once they verify your fellowship program
i don't know if they require you to complete your fellowship first before they add you
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