Current USPHS dentists

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7+ Year Member
Jul 20, 2017
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I am currently nearing my final year of dental school, and am looking for opportunities once I graduate. I have accrued quite a lot of debt from dental school and believe PSLF is the way to pay it off. On top of this fact I do not want to sell dentistry to patients which seems to be a trend in private practice, more complex procedures equals more money and a higher paycheck. This seems undesirable to me, I want my patients to come in and trust that I am doing my utmost in my capabilities to get them the necessary healthcare they need and not pay off my loans with their money. Ultimately I would like to know from both USPHS dentists and those in the public sector If...
1.) You like your current job.
2.) If the benefits for them compensate the payout from private practice.
3.) What a typical day at the USPHS is like (I know this varies based on location)
4.) What a typical day at their FQHC is like (I know this varies based on location)
5.) How the work life balance is compared to friends in private sector.
6.) If their are opportunities to increase compensation if they wanted too
7.) How hard it was to find a job in the location they wanted (I specifically am interested in south Florida)
8.) If anyone has participated in the SRCOSTEP program and what that entailed.
9.) If a GPR at a VA clinic or hospital will count as a year serving the community
10.) If paying the minimums on my loan for a GPR year will count towards PSLF

Thank you to anyone who can get back to me about these questions.

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