DAT bootcamp vs Kaplan or anything else??

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Jan 9, 2018
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I am getting ready to sign up for either DAT bootcamp or Kaplan and wanted to know some of your guys input on which material would be more helpful. Money is not a deciding factor for me; however, I want to get material that will help me most in all subjects. I am currently a sophomore and I plan on taking my DAT the first week of august, before I enter junior year, so I will be studying all of June and July. I also plan on studying 8-10 hours a day. Should I put aside more time to study overall?? Im having a hard time figuring out if I have enough time to study as I am going out of the country after the semester ends and will only have 2 months to study rigorously.

Regardless of which course I purchase, I plan on using Chad's Videos, and Cliff's AP Bio, and Feralis Notes to ensure I have a good foundation on the science subjects. Reading is my weak subject and I want to know what material would help best with that, along with math and PAT. I would greatly appreciate any advice that anyone has to offer.

Thank you!

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100% DAT Bootcamp and maybe Crack DAT to supplement. I did not find Kaplan that useful
2 months is loads of time in my opinion. I studied for a lot less than that and did alright. It really depends on how well you know the core subjects, and how well you already read for RC. I think Bootcamp is still the best; i used that along with some Kaplan practice tests and my own notes/knowledge to study.

Good luck!
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I am getting ready to sign up for either DAT bootcamp or Kaplan and wanted to know some of your guys input on which material would be more helpful. Money is not a deciding factor for me; however, I want to get material that will help me most in all subjects. I am currently a sophomore and I plan on taking my DAT the first week of august, before I enter junior year, so I will be studying all of June and July. I also plan on studying 8-10 hours a day. Should I put aside more time to study overall?? Im having a hard time figuring out if I have enough time to study as I am going out of the country after the semester ends and will only have 2 months to study rigorously.

Regardless of which course I purchase, I plan on using Chad's Videos, and Cliff's AP Bio, and Feralis Notes to ensure I have a good foundation on the science subjects. Reading is my weak subject and I want to know what material would help best with that, along with math and PAT. I would greatly appreciate any advice that anyone has to offer.

Thank you!
Get crack or qvault or anything other than kaplan.
Yeah I believe there is a consensus that Kaplan is not that helpful. What about the the destroyers? Are any of those any special?
I have been using Crack DAT and I think they prepare you very well for reading comp and have decent PAT preparation as well outside of T/F/E
Bootcamp(best practice tests that represent dat), destroyer(really good for chem and ochem), chads vid(good foundation. I watched before starting destroyer and Bootcamp). Feralis for bio. I didn’t really do much to prepare for rc pat and math but I vaguely remember destroyers math problems being similar in difficulty to dat questions and learning couple neat pat techniques on YouTube.
How about math? what is the best way to prepare for that section. I don't even know what type of math is on the QR section?
How about math? what is the best way to prepare for that section. I don't even know what type of math is on the QR section?
DAT Bootcamp has preparation for this section as well. You could also check out the trial version if you're unsure.
I am going over Kaplan and DAT bootcamp notes and as I compare them, DAT bootcamp seems very detailed compared to Kaplan. Thats what I see for the questions as well.I find Kaplan much simpler. I havent taken the DAT yet so I am not sure how the actual test is going to be. While you might be able to have Kaplan resources for a while, DAT bootcamp seems to be a better option.

Good luck!