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7+ Year Member
Apr 20, 2016
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Can somebody post what strategy worked for them for them for pattern folding and tfe like anything that could help me in order to become decent

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Go through the bootcamp PAT practice problems and read through ALL the solutions to each problem, even if you get them right. There's a lot of strategies for both pattern folding and TFE in those solutions. For example, for dice problems in pattern folding, you can easily eliminate a few answer choices by looking at which faces touch. Good luck!
The way I did TFE was by looking between the two provided views and creating a 3-D image in my head. I would then look at the answer choices and eliminate the ones that obviously did not match.

Pattern folding required similar visualization techniques. I would follow the folds from the first image all the way to the 4th image. Then punch the hole, and imagine unfolding it step by step. By the first unfold, you can usually eliminate half the answer choices.
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Achiever PAT. I swear up and down by their PAT, aferwards do bootcamp PAT test, and you'll kill the tfe.
If I got really stuck with something, I cut out a piece of paper and folded it so that my brain could get of the 3D nature of what I was looking at. I know it sounds tedious, but just going through the process really helped me get an idea for how to fold things. Also, I used Crack the DAT PAT. Repeating the process so many times that basically there was nothing new they could throw at me. It helps to do a lot of practice because then you have a voice in the back of your head saying "I know how to do this, I'm just struggling a little bit". Once you learn that struggling with a question isn't a death sentence to your mark, you end up doing a lot better. Just my two cents.