DAT scores 7/27/10

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Jul 27, 2010
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So... Here are my scores... not the greatest, but i did better that I thought I would. Any school suggestions?

BIo 20 (88.0%)
GC 19 (73.3%)
OC 18 (59.1%)
RC 21 (76.7%)
QR 19 (91.1%)
PAT 24 (98.1%)
TS 19 (75.0%)
AA 19 (77.6%)

Overall GPA 3.7
Science GPA 3.7

75 hrs shadowing
Work and volunteer services....

What should I do next?? Retake it or apply now, apply later? Where do I apply...
Open to any suggestions :)

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you have a solid gpa. i'd say apply also. look into schools' websites and see. some schools consider higher DAT than the gpa as some schools are the opposite.