DAT Test Date

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10+ Year Member
Nov 14, 2008
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I was just wondering if you guys think retaking the DAT in late September is way to late to be considered for this cycle.


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quick, i think its late. i did it last year. you should really try for august the latest if you want a pre dec. interview.
Well i'm taking it on Monday but if I don't do as well as planed then ill have to take it late Sep. Is a post-Dec interview bad?

quick, i think its late. i did it last year. you should really try for august the latest if you want a pre dec. interview.
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Yes, some schools are full by dec 1st, most I'd say are 50-70% full by that time, so your chances are slim.
thanks for the quick replies. ill just try to do really good Monday then :D
You could take it Mid July instead of Monday if u are not prepared, thats what I would recommend doing.
You could take it Mid July instead of Monday if u are not prepared, thats what I would recommend doing.

It's hard decision here. If OP would not do well in July, then a retake in October could be even worse.
True...but theres no guarentee he would do better in sept/oct. It depends how he/she has been doing on the practice exams and how he/she feels about the test. Gluck!
ive been doing ok on practice and stuff. I was just wondering IF i by chance didnt do well...kinda to ease my nerves haha but ya i guess Sep is a little late.