DAT test date

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10+ Year Member
Sep 25, 2010
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Is it too late if i take DAT on Aug 2nd? :confused:

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August 2nd isn't terribly late in the cycle, but you definitely wouldn't be considered an early applicant. If you feel like you won't be prepared to take it until then, then don't rush yourself. It's better to get a higher DAT score than have your application in a couple weeks earlier.
Thanks for the reply. I was planning to take it on July 5th but all seats are taken at the site closest to where I live and the next available date is Aug 2nd...:( If I take it on Aug 2nd, will i still be able to get pre-dec interviews?
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I wouldn't worry too much. People make cancellations all the time, and if you want to take it July 5th, then just keep calling everyday to see if they have any openings and reschedule it for that date. Even if you take it Aug 2nd, you can still get pre-Dec interviews, depending on how high your GPA is and your DAT score, as well as the rest of your application.