daycare in the dental office

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Dec 22, 2004
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How many of you plan to put a daycare in your dental office? Does anyone think it's a good idea?

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I actually never thought about it...but sounds like a very personal touch. I know its hard for many parents to try to find the time to go to the doctor without taking little ones.
denty said:
I actually never thought about it...but sounds like a very personal touch. I know its hard for many parents to try to find the time to go to the doctor without taking little ones.

You really have to look at how much use it will be getting. I.E. will you and/or your staff be using it, how many patients really need it, etc, etc, etc. Then you also have to look at how many square feet of extra office space you need, do you need by state statutes then to be a licensed facility(more office liability), and what will your extra overhead costs be (will you need a full time employee to staff this option or possible multiple employees if the demand is high enough.

Often I've found that in private practice what seems like a simple idea turn sinto a complicted(and expensive) one by the time all the required reguations are met :confused: :eek:
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Of course, I am 4 years away, but I am planning on putting one in, if for no one else but to have my own kids close.
reLAXgirl said:
Of course, I am 4 years away, but I am planning on putting one in, if for no one else but to have my own kids close.

The best thing about that though is you then can claim your nanny as a business expense! ;) At minimum though with your childcare worker then as an employee of your office you can offer them benefits!
reLAXgirl said:
Of course, I am 4 years away, but I am planning on putting one in, if for no one else but to have my own kids close.
How many kids do you have? 5? 7? are they all from the same dad?! :D
lnn2 said:
How many kids do you have? 5? 7? are they all from the same dad?! :D

I don't have any kids yet, thank you. But that doesn't mean I don't plan on having kids. I think children are much more important than your career so if I can be there for them a little more often by having a playroom for them (even if it is only one), I'm going to do it.
No kids here, maybe someday. But I have actually thought about this very idea we're discussing. In my brain, it sounds convenient and good. I dunno, maybe like DrJeff said, it'll be one of those things that sounds better on paper than it actually is.
lnn2 said:
are they all from the same dad?! :D

That is one of the rudest comment I have heard on these forums. What nerve you have. I really think you owe reLAX an apology.
souperman said:
That is one of the rudest comment I have heard on these forums. What nerve you have. I really think you owe reLAX an apology.
huh??? are you one of the dads?! what if they were all adopted?! I have a lot of the whole body. I really think you own lnn2 an apology. :rolleyes:

It was a joke, genius! she would let me know if she was offended!

souperman said:
That is one of the rudest comment I have heard on these forums. What nerve you have. I really think you owe reLAX an apology.

Thanks for watching my back SOUP
souperman said:
That is one of the rudest comment I have heard on these forums. What nerve you have. I really think you owe reLAX an apology.

Im not sure if you are being serious or if you are being sarcastic.

Im hoping the latter, it was an obvious joke.
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Rezdawg said:
Im not sure if you are being serious or if you are being sarcastic.

Im hoping the latter, it was an obvious joke.

Sarcasim can be funny but I just don't see the humor in calling a woman a slut, which is what I got out of his adolescent-like joke. You are right, it was obviously a joke but I don't think that excusses his poor behavior. If he were to have the courage to say somthing like that (even if he were joking) face to face to a random woman on the street (instead of hiding behind a computer screen and username) he would have consequences to face.
If that woman were your mother, wife, or girlfriend I doubt you would get a good laugh out of it, pat him on the back and say "good one, that was funny" He was rude so he should apologize.
It shows his maturity level when his response to my post was to tell me that I was out of line and imply that the only reason I didn't like his humor is because I probably was the men sleeping with her. I just thought I was being a gentlman by treating women, in any setting (even a chat room), with respect.
souperman said:
Sarcasim can be funny but I just don't see the humor in calling a woman a slut, which is what I got out of his adolescent-like joke. You are right, it was obviously a joke but I don't think that excusses his poor behavior. If he were to have the courage to say somthing like that (even if he were joking) face to face to a random woman on the street (instead of hiding behind a computer screen and username) he would have consequences to face.
If that woman were your mother, wife, or girlfriend I doubt you would get a good laugh out of it, pat him on the back and say "good one, that was funny" He was rude so he should apologize.
It shows his maturity level when his response to my post was to tell me that I was out of line and imply that the only reason I didn't like his humor is because I probably was the men sleeping with her. I just thought I was being a gentlman by treating women, in any setting (even a chat room), with respect.

lol... geez. Inn2, you must have hit on a sore spot of this poster... perhaps they grew up in a household with siblings from different fathers?
souperman said:
Sarcasim can be funny but I just don't see the humor in calling a woman a slut, which is what I got out of his adolescent-like joke. You are right, it was obviously a joke but I don't think that excusses his poor behavior. If he were to have the courage to say somthing like that (even if he were joking) face to face to a random woman on the street (instead of hiding behind a computer screen and username) he would have consequences to face.
If that woman were your mother, wife, or girlfriend I doubt you would get a good laugh out of it, pat him on the back and say "good one, that was funny" He was rude so he should apologize.
It shows his maturity level when his response to my post was to tell me that I was out of line and imply that the only reason I didn't like his humor is because I probably was the men sleeping with her. I just thought I was being a gentlman by treating women, in any setting (even a chat room), with respect.

100% I agree with, souperman. Inn2 made obviously a tasteless cheap shot. :thumbdown: Don't quit your school, Inn2, you won't make it big as a comedian.

About the daycare in the dental office, I was very impressed with your idea.
I wonder why I haven't heard of it before. If dental spa is feasible, so should dental daycare.
souperman said:
Sarcasim can be funny but I just don't see the humor in calling a woman a slut, which is what I got out of his adolescent-like joke. You are right, it was obviously a joke but I don't think that excusses his poor behavior. If he were to have the courage to say somthing like that (even if he were joking) face to face to a random woman on the street (instead of hiding behind a computer screen and username) he would have consequences to face.
If that woman were your mother, wife, or girlfriend I doubt you would get a good laugh out of it, pat him on the back and say "good one, that was funny" He was rude so he should apologize.
It shows his maturity level when his response to my post was to tell me that I was out of line and imply that the only reason I didn't like his humor is because I probably was the men sleeping with her. I just thought I was being a gentlman by treating women, in any setting (even a chat room), with respect.

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

I was offended by the original response. . .especially to imply that making children an important part of your life (and consequently your career) would have to be the result of having many illegitimate children. Thanks for respecting and supporting woman, even those unknown.
fun8stuff said:
lol... geez. Inn2, you must have hit on a sore spot of this poster... perhaps they grew up in a household with siblings from different fathers?
I guess I did! :eek: Maybe they did grow up in that household!
ToothCandy4U said:
100% I agree with, souperman. Inn2 made obviously a tasteless cheap shot. :thumbdown: Don't quit your school, Inn2, you won't make it big as a comedian.
cheap shot? huh??? I don't take any shots at my ladies!!! I've already finished school but thanks for the advice, kiddo. Do you think I shoulda try out for American Idol?!
souperman said:
Sarcasim can be funny but I just don't see the humor in calling a woman a slut
huh??? You just called her a slut :eek: I didn't

souperman said:
the only reason I didn't like his humor is because I probably was the men sleeping with her..
You wish!!! I had calculated your chances: 1 in a million! There's still a chance though! don't give up!
souperman said:
I just thought I was being a gentlman by treating women, in any setting (even a chat room), with respect.
Are you gay?! (not that there's anything wrong with it!) You're just being a DORK! You're trying too hard! I treat every woman with respect, even your sister :eek:

Relax kids! No need to get your pants in a bunch! Oh, stay in skool and study hard! :rolleyes:
reLAXgirl said:
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

I was offended by the original response. . ..
Well then you should have said so instead of saying "thank you" :eek: If you were offended then my heart felt apology!
reLAXgirl said:
especially to imply that making children an important part of your life (and consequently your career) would have to be the result of having many illegitimate children. Thanks for respecting and supporting woman, even those unknown.
I don't see anything wrong with illegitimate children! I love all of them the same! and I do support woman, in many ways ;)

Can we kiss and make up now?!!! I just wanted your attention, not offending ya! Let me make it up to you, please?!
lnn2 said:
hey dude,
you sound 12 year old. this is a web for people who are serious and only grown ups.
you are not cool. i am sure you are one of those anti social geeks!!
Drlander76 said:
hey dude,
you sound 12 year old. this is a web for people who are serious and only grown ups.
you are not cool. i am sure you are one of those anti social geeks!!
right! keep fooling yourself! want the attention, dont you? here ya go
Geez, this thread made a turn for the worse.

Can we all just stop overreacting?

Here is my solution for everyone involved:
1)Grab a bottle of Patron Silver
2)Pour into a shot glass
3)Cut up a slice of lime
4)Take shot, eat lime
7)Return to SDN

That should do the trick, unless you love alcohol. In that case, repeat cycle 4 more times. :thumbup:
Good call! I'll start
Hey man my father was an alcoholic!!! That is just thoughtless and offensive you big jerk!!!
airvent said:
Hey man my father was an alcoholic!!! That is just thoughtless and offensive you big jerk!!!

The first time I read this, I was 100% sure you were kidding...then I read it again and I was 95% sure...and again...and again, etc...

Now, Im hoping that you were kidding.

In any case, nothing wrong with alcoholics, they just need to drink more to keep up with non-alcholics. :thumbup:
So? My whole family are alcoholics- shut up and pass the bottle.
Rezdawg said:
The first time I read this, I was 100% sure you were kidding...then I read it again and I was 95% sure...and again...and again, etc...

One read was enough