DEA number

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Nov 15, 2010
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Do you have to have your own DEA number to work in a military hospital? Or is it like civilian universities where everybody falls under the umbrella of the institution?


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Do you have to have your own DEA number to work in a military hospital? Or is it like civilian universities where everybody falls under the umbrella of the institution?


The latter. Although most people get one when they get their permanent license (which could be at any point during or immediately following residency).
Do you have to have your own DEA number to work in a military hospital? Or is it like civilian universities where everybody falls under the umbrella of the institution?


During residency you are under the hospital's one. Towards your graduation they will have you file for a Military DEA. This is completely free but only allows you to write for controlled substances within the military medical system. (i.e. - you can't write your neighbor for percocet). You can apply for a civilian one if you want to but they cost about $600 a year I think.
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During residency you are under the hospital's one. Towards your graduation they will have you file for a Military DEA. This is completely free but only allows you to write for controlled substances within the military medical system. (i.e. - you can't write your neighbor for percocet). You can apply for a civilian one if you want to but they cost about $600 a year I think.

Just to clarify, the DEA number you get will allow you to write controlled substance prescriptions "in town"; however, can only be used while "performing duties" as a military physician. So you can write Mr. X a prescription for percocet that he can pick up at the local walgreens/rite-aid/etc. You cannot (well you could, just wouldn't recommend getting caught) use it while moonlighting as an doc outside the DoD.
Agree with above. For moonlighting purposes, get your own DEA number.
I have my own DEA number from residency. I went onto the DEA website to update to my new address for active duty (different state) and they require a state controlled substances license in the state I am in now (which I don't have). So to use current DEA license in the military hospital in the new state, will I have to apply for the state controlled substances license? I am guessing I should apply for the military DEA license but no one has ever mentioned this to me before (perhaps because I said I already have a DEA license...)
Your residency dea is likely one issued by the hospital. Its odd but the pharmacy has a dea and then distributes numbers which tie you to it. When you transfer or if you are already at a mil
Facility ask the prof affairs personnel who are doing your credentials. Your mil dea can follow you to any mil facility regardless of the state. If you moonlight you must follow state rules ie state controlled substance and federal dea. Dont get caught prescribing to non tricare with your mil dea. .
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A DEA number runs $731. You can get a military/federal one for free through your military hospital, but I echo everyone's opinion to not use it outside of your military institution. If you're going to moonlight, pay for your own.
I tried the Tricare link above and got 404'ed. The search function on Tricare's website also does not appear to work. Anybody know where I need to go to file for a DEA number? Can I wait until I reach my assigned location?
I tried the Tricare link above and got 404'ed. The search function on Tricare's website also does not appear to work. Anybody know where I need to go to file for a DEA number? Can I wait until I reach my assigned location?

i'm wondering the same thing. i'm finishing up a civilian residency and would rather not pay $731 for a DEA number if i don't need one now and can apply for one after i get to my assignment. anyone have any info on this?
I tried the Tricare link above and got 404'ed. The search function on Tricare's website also does not appear to work. Anybody know where I need to go to file for a DEA number? Can I wait until I reach my assigned location?
I had the link on my work computer. 🙁

If you google DEA number it should get the link. Military providers filing for the exemption have to file by mail. Everyone else can do it electronically.