Dealing With Bad Professors

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5+ Year Member
Feb 11, 2018
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So unfortunately, I’m in the waitlist for one of my favorite professor’s biology class, and the last open option for this class is a professor who has terrible ratings and everyone I’ve talked to says is pretty bad. The add/drop deadline is in 2 days and it’s not looking good for me. How have you guys dealt with tough professors before? Luckily, all my professors up to this point have been great, so I’m honestly terrified and unsure of what to expect.

Also: In your opinion, is there any chance of me getting in to the class I’m waitlisted for? I’m first on the waitlist, but since the deadline is so soon.... We have one more class meeting before then also. Just kind of wondering if it’s common for people to wait until the last minute to drop a class.

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And I know I shouldn’t make judgements on a professor before I’ve even met them, but every single thing I’ve read or heard about him is negative.
I would not sacrifice my GPA for a bad professor. Keep checking to see if any spots open up on the wait list, but if not- drop the class. In my experience, I have seen spots open up hours before the semester has started.
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Had a lot of professor switch ups a week before my courses started in undergrad. Went from a doable A to 50-60% average exam scores with the switch. Don’t risk it.
I have had professors that everyone has said was horrible, and all online reviews were bad as well. Usually its just hype, as one person states something and others jump on the bandwagon. A couple of those classes were the easiest science classes I ever took. Only take advice from friends you know really well, and know how/what they complain about, otherwise you can't trust it.

I have never had luck with people dropping shortly before, usually its a couple weeks into the semester, when payments become due, or they realize it's too much.

I have never tried it, but I have heard of some people talking with the professor they knew beforehand, and getting an exemption to have an extra person in class. It doesn't always work, and depends on the professor / classroom limitations, but it doesn't hurt to try if you have a good rapport with them.
I have never tried it, but I have heard of some people talking with the professor they knew beforehand, and getting an exemption to have an extra person in class. It doesn't always work, and depends on the professor / classroom limitations, but it doesn't hurt to try if you have a good rapport with them.

N=1. I needed a final biochemistry course before taking the MCAT, otherwise would have to wait another cycle. The class was small <25 students and full. I made the extra effort to introduce myself to the professor, and was honest about why I needed this class.

The professor turned out to be an amazing person who understood, and literally walked with me to registration and patiently worked with the assistant registrar to get me into the class when my own earlier efforts at the office was unfruitful.

Approach the professor with the full class and explain your situation. Be humble, gracious, and nice, not demanding. It might work out. Avoid high risk instructors at all costs...
So is the teacher tough or bad? If tough go into the class knowing you have to work hard and you’ll do well. If the guy is a bad teacher keep hoping for a seat in the other class.
Can you talk to your favorite professor about being on the waitlist? A lot of times they have leeway on class enrollment and if you go to them and say "Hey i really really want to take your class, but im first on the waitlist" they'll let you in. And also yes--people often wait until the last day to drop a class.