Declining an offer for an away

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7+ Year Member
Dec 29, 2013
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Hi! I'm applying into OB/GYN and was wondering if anyone had advice regarding declining an offer for an away rotation.
I applied to 3 schools I was really interested in and all 3 got back to me within 1-2 days...I didn't have a chance to withdraw my application. I only have room in my schedule to do 2 (plus I think 3 would be exhausting) but have heard that declining an offer may "blacklist" me from getting an interview at the institution. I'm really interested in their program and don't want to ruin my chances of getting an interview later during the application cycle.
Not sure if any of this really matters but I've heard so many rumors! Thanks for your advice!

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I cancelled two aways and still got interviews. FWIW, medical school coordinators and residency coordinators usually don’t even talk to one another in my experience.

Also, if you are really worried about upsetting them, just say your school uses a block scheduling system and you recently found out that the rotation dates aren’t allowed with your allotted schedule. I did this with good results both times.
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