Deferring School for Depression

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5+ Year Member
Mar 31, 2019
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Hello everyone,

There have been threads on this in the past, but I couldn't really figure out what to do. Long story short I have recurrent severe depression for the past 4+years. Additionally, my anxiety which is currently not as bad as it has been is sometimes better and sometimes worse to the point where I've had panic attacks. This past October and November I had suicidal thoughts. About a week ago, my depression recurred again, and I started going to a psychiatrist and am beginning therapy. However, I feel that I need to address ways to take care of these issues before I start medical school, since it will be a large change in my life. The school I got into told me that they will normally allow deferment of matriculation by a year for health issues, personal/familial illness/death, or military service. Is disclosing my depression/anxiety okay? Should I try to get a letter from my psychiatrist? Should I look for another reason? I'm afraid, frankly.

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Hello everyone,

There have been threads on this in the past, but I couldn't really figure out what to do. Long story short I have recurrent severe depression for the past 4+years. Additionally, my anxiety which is currently not as bad as it has been is sometimes better and sometimes worse to the point where I've had panic attacks. This past October and November I had suicidal thoughts. About a week ago, my depression recurred again, and I started going to a psychiatrist and am beginning therapy. However, I feel that I need to address ways to take care of these issues before I start medical school, since it will be a large change in my life. The school I got into told me that they will normally allow deferment of matriculation by a year for health issues, personal/familial illness/death, or military service. Is disclosing my depression/anxiety okay? Should I try to get a letter from my psychiatrist? Should I look for another reason? I'm afraid, frankly.
Very sorry to hear about this. It is very good that you're being proactive and getting the help you need.

"Deferments are for health issues".

Your depression IS a health issue!

GET that deferment, go and heal, and come back stronger.
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Is this your first time seeking treatment? One thing to consider is that if you have recurrent depression for past 4 years, chances are it will reoccur in med school and residency. What will you do then? Talk to your provider about this...
It would be preferable to defer without disclosing. BTW, depression and anxiety is not uncommon in med students, and is not a barrier to success. I have a number of such patients.
Yeah, it's not like this profession has a high suicide rate, right? Just encourage a depressed person to "man up" and do medical school