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Feb 27, 2023
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First off, if you grew up in East Texas, Tyler may be a near lock, even with a lower than average MCAT. I'm not entirely sure about how well your non-clinical volunteering portfolio will go, but compared to other applicants from the target counties, your Mormon mission and work with LGBTQ+ communities may be enough to interest them for an interview, even if LGBTQ+ issues may not be popular to address in that part of Texas... though Mormons aren't known to be that progressive either.
I’d take Utah off the list.

Nice app. You’ve got a great shot at Texas schools. Where was you SMP and what did they say? Duke’s probably out of reach unless you have an adcom pulling for you. I’ll let other people tell you what private schools to aim for. Are you willing to go DO. You’d do great there.
Yeah, Utah’s a huge reach with being OOS and from Texas but just had to shoot my shot there. SMP was at Duke, in their school of medicine. From faculty I was encouraged to follow through with this cycle. Would prefer to go MD which is another reason why I’m open to applying again if needed.
Also from UT Tyler undergrad and got into Utah! You probably know who I am bc UTT is so small but lmk if you have any questions about either UTT or Utah! got into both with lower stats than yours.
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